Chapter Nine

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            A month has passed since Luigi talked to Rosalina in his dream, and he search every island to find Rosalina and Tatanga. But couldn't find any tracks of them, even when he swims into the ocean that is close to an island.
Professor E. Gadd: Well, how did it go?
Luigi: (Sigh) Nothing, I've checked every, island in this map, and still no sign of Rosalina and Tatanga.
Professor E. Gadd: Don't worry my boy, we'll find them and rescue Rosalina. Although, I'm still curious of why she called you, her brother.
Luigi: (Looking at the map) I don't know, but perhaps she has met the Lone Wolf before me, right before she got trapped inside the moonstone.
Professor E. Gadd: Perhaps, (Notice how tired Luigi is) Luigi, maybe you should go home and get some rest.
Luigi: (Still looking at the map) (Sigh) I can't. Rosalina saved my life, and I didn't stop Tatanga in time. I need to make things right. (Notice an Island that is black) Hey, Professor E. Gadd, what island is that?
Professor E. Gadd: Oh, that is the Haunted Mansion Island. It's an island, where all Mansions are filled with ghost and it's filled with spooky forest.
Luigi: Then that's where I'll go.
Professor E. Gadd: (Shock) What!? Didn't you hear what I just said?! That island is haunted!? No one has ever decided to come near that island, and haven't you forgotten that you are afraid of ghost?
Luigi: (Shock) I know, and even if I put myself in danger, I won't rest until I find Rosalina and save her from Tatanga. (Leaves)
Professor E. Gadd: (Sigh) That boy is starting to accept Rosalina as his sister.

(Few Hours Later)

Luigi: (Arriving at Haunted Mansion Island) (Trembling) Okay, I'll just have to look around to see if there's any sign of Rosalina and Tatanga, and I'm out of this place. I can see now why many people refused to come to this place for a vacation or to throw a party. (Broke a branch on the ground.)
Ghost's: (Saw Luigi) (Decided to scare him)
Luigi: (Run's away) This is why I hate ghost! (Saw an old mansion) (Went inside) (Close the door) (Sigh) That was a close one. Better find an exit before any other ghost find me here. Although it is kind of dark in here. (Notice something glowing behind him) (Turns around)
Orange Ghost: (Scary face)
Luigi: (Screams) (Runs Away) (Gets trapped in a room) Now I really wish I went with my brother, Mario! Rosalina, if you're in hear, I could really use your help by now!
Orange Ghost: (About to scare Luigi) (Notice a ghost behind Luigi, coming out of the wall)
???: (Gives a scary werewolf face)
Orange Ghost: (Runs away) (Screaming)
Luigi: (Confused) Huh? What scared him away. (Notice a ghost puppy behind him.) Huh? A ghost puppy? (Picks the ghost puppy up) How is it that I'm not scared of you?
???: (Starts to lick Luigi)
Luigi: (Laughs) Probably because you're different from the other ghosts, and you just saved my life. (Reads its name tag) Polterpup? Is that what they called you?
Polterpup: (Lick's Luigi)
Luigi: (Smiles) I'll take that as a yes. (Keeps looking at his tag) I don't see anything else on your tag. Who do you belong to?
Polterpup: (Upset)
Luigi: You don't have a family huh? I've lost my parents when I was ten. Mario is the only family I have left. (Idea) How about we help each other? If you show me around this island, without being spotted by other ghost, I'll take you back home and you can be part of my family.
Polterpup: (Lick's Luigi) (Barks)
Luigi: (Hugs Polterpup) Hehe, I'll take that as a yes. Listen I'm looking for a girl, who looks like this. (Shows a picture of Rosalina) Her name is Rosalina. She was transformed into a beast, along with a purple alien named Tatanga. She's been missing for a while, and I'm starting to worry. Can you help me find them?
Polterpup: (Barks with joy)
Luigi: That's the spirit! Let's go!

                Polterpup helped Luigi to search for Rosalina and Tatanga without being spotted by other ghost. Although, even though they have been through every place in the island, there was still no sign of Rosalina or Tatanga. So, Luigi decides it would be best if he and Polterpup head home, not knowing they where followed by a giant ghost.

Luigi: (Sigh) Guess, we'll have to head home to find another island. (Notice Polterpup upset) Hey, don't be upset. We just didn't find the right island, and besides, I did promise you to take you home with me. Come on, lets get out of here before any other ghost try to scare me. (Hears an evil laugh) (Saw a giant ghost behind him) (Trembles) Who...who are you?
King Boo: I'm King Boo, and you are trespassing my island. As for a punishment, you will be stuck in this island forever. (About to grab Luigi)
Polterpup: (Gets Angry) (Turns into a giant lion ghost) (Gobble and Spits out King Boo far away)
Luigi: Whoa! I can see now why that other ghost ran off scared because of you. (Picks Polterpup up) Come on, lets go home.
Polterpup: (Happy) (Licks Luigi)

(Few Hours Later)

(Professor E. Gadd's House)

Mario: (Angry) And you let my brother go on his own!
Professor E. Gadd: I tried to stop him, but he was so focused on saving Rosalina, he wouldn't listen.
Mario: (Sigh) Seems like I have no choice but to save my brother from some ghost's!
Luigi: (Arrives) Or maybe not.
Mario/Professor E. Gadd: (Happy) Luigi!
Mario: (Hugs Luigi) I'm so happy to see that you're okay. What happened? Did you find Rosalina and defeated Tatanga?
Luigi: (Sigh) No, no they weren't even in that island. But I did find someone. (Shows Polterpup)
Mario: Why are you holding a puppy that looks like a ghost?
Luigi: Everyone, this is Polterpup. He saved me when I was chased by ghost's who wanted to keep me in their island forever. I also found out that he's an orphan and all alone. So, I've decided to welcome him to our family.
Mario: (Shock) You adopted a ghost puppy, and you're not even afraid of him?! Huh? Guess you're not 100% afraid of ghost.
Luigi: Yah, but I'm still worried about Rosalina. I don't know how long she can handle the stress.
Mario: Don't worry bro, we'll save our sister, we just have to keep looking forward.
Luigi: How, I went to every island in this map, and still no sign of Rosalina and Tatanga.
Professor E. Gadd: Hmm? Perhaps there is an island that isn't part of this map.
Luigi: What do you mean?
Professor E. Gadd: Well, sometimes people go to places that they know that no one will ever find them. Perhaps Tatanga and Rosalina are in an island that is perhaps far away. I'll have to check and see if there are other islands that you haven't gone yet. Meanwhile, get some rest.
Luigi: But I'm not even... (Yawn) tired.
Mario: Come on, little bro, let's go home.
Luigi: (Sigh) Okay. Let's go, Polterpup.
Polterpup: (Barks) (Follows Mario and Luigi)

To Be Continued

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