Chapter Eight

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            It's been three weeks since Luigi had his second battle with Tatanga, and there was still no sign of Rosalina and Tatanga. Every night Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, and Professor E. Gadd search everywhere in the ocean to find them.

Daisy: (Sigh) This isn't getting us anywhere!?
Peach: Are you okay, Daisy?
Daisy: Sorry, I'm just so frustrated right now.
Mario: (Holding Luigi's legs while he checks around the ocean) You probably are starting to get tired right now.
Luigi: (Couldn't breathe anymore) (Kicked Mario in the face) (Went inside the ocean)
Mario: Ouch! (Realize he let go of Luigi) Oops.
Luigi: (Comes out of the ocean) (Spits out a tiny fish) This is why we wore life jacket, and why I wanted to go on this trip alone.
Daisy: Are...are you alright?!
Luigi: Yah, I'm fine, but I found nothing. (Gets inside the boat)
Daisy: (Sigh) It feels like we've been searching for lightyears! And I'm sick of these life jackets!
Luigi: Safety, is no punchline Daisy.
Professor E. Gadd: This is no time to argue, we must find Rosalina and Tatanga. As it stands, their fusion darkness is taking time bomb.
Luigi: Is Rosalina, going to be, okay?
Professor E. Gadd: She had control when she used her power to drag their darkness into the ocean. But a power like theirs is unstable; bound together by anger and mistrust. If that bonds snaps, the darkness will take over and destroy.
Luigi: (Tired) Don't worry Rosalina, we won't let you sleep with the fishes. (Yawn)
Mario: We're going to have to keep looking. But first, let's bring Luigi home. (Notice how tired Luigi is)
Luigi: (Wakes up) Wh..What! No, no, I'm fine! Let's...lets go fishing. First one to catch something wins. (Falls asleep) (Almost falls out of the boat)
Mario/Daisy: (Grabs Luigi)
Daisy: We really need to get him to bed.

(Mario and Luigi's House)

Luigi: I'm fine you guys, and besides we should be out there searching.
Mario: Luigi, you haven't had enough rest since that second battle you had. You need rest.
Daisy: And don't worry, we'll keep on searching while you get some rest.
Professor E. Gadd: You three need some rest as well. You are starting to look exhausting.
Mario: But Professor...
Professor E. Gad: No buts, I'll keep on searching. Don't stay up, and if your hungry have a snack. (Leaves)
Peach: Well, guess we'll be staying with you guys for the night.
Mario: What do you say little bro? Luigi?
Luigi: (Falls asleep) (Starts dreaming) Huh? Where am I? (Looks around) Hmm? This must be a dream. Although I don't remember watching a movie that involves colorful stars. (Saw a door) I wonder what this door leads to. (Opens the door and saw Rosalina with her eyes shining brighter like the stars.) (Shock) R...Rosalina!? (Wakes up) (Gasp) (Notice everyone was looking at him) What?
Mario: Are you okay, bro?
Luigi: Yah, I just had the weirdest dream. I was up in space, and there was a door. And when I open the door, Rosalina was there, but way different than before.
Daisy: Maybe you're still worried about her.
Luigi: Maybe your right, besides, all I know is that dreams are all mixed up movies and could sometimes be hard to explain and boring to hear. Like this one time, I had a dream that the Coconut Mall was selling donuts and when I went outside, I saw a donut truck and a wolf was riding the truck. And I said to myself, 'What's a wolf doing at a truck? Everyone...knows that...a wolf...can'' (Falls asleep) (Dreams he is flying) Wahooo! This is awesome! (Notice a big wave) AHH! (Tries to escape and gets whipped out) (Opens his eyes) Whoa, where am I? (Heard a voice) Hey that sounds like... (Saw Rosalina)
Rosalina: (Saw Luigi) Luigi!?
Luigi: Rosalina!
Rosalina: Luigi, what are you doing here?!
Luigi: Um, I know it's weird, but I'm just dreaming so don't even worry about it.
Rosalina: Luigi, I'm trying to concentrate! How are you here!?
Luigi: Whoa, Rosalina, are you okay?
Rosalina: Luigi, please, I... (Something starts to tremble)
Luigi: (Wakes up) (Gasp) Rosalina. (Saw everyone asleep) (Wakes up Mario) Mario wake up!
Mario: (Wakes up) (Yawn) What's up, bro?
Luigi: I just had another dream and Rosalina was there.
Peach/Daisy: (Wakes up)
Daisy: What's going on?
Mario: Luigi had another dream and Rosalina was there.
Daisy: Luigi, you might have been worried about her too much. And besides, dreams are all mixed up movies.
Luigi: But I...I think I was talking to her.
Peach: Wait, how do you know?
Luigi: I don't, but I just feel it. She was yelling, and she was really freaked out.
Daisy: What did she say? Is she still in control?
Luigi: I...I don't know.
Daisy: Luigi, you could be using your dreams to connect with her mentally.
Mario: Can you do it again? Maybe Rosalina can tell you where they are.
Luigi: I guess I have to go back to sleep. (Lays on his bed) Quick, Daisy, tell me about your dream so I can fall asleep.
Daisy: (Embarrassed) My dream?!
Mario: Come on, Daisy, it's for the greater good.
Daisy: (Sigh) If I must. (Sigh) So, in my dream, I was... (Notice Luigi just fall asleep already.)
Mario: Wow, he really is exhausted.
Luigi: (Wakes up and realize he is dreaming) Oh, I know this is a dream now. Ok, now to find Rosalina. Rosalina? Rosalina!? It's me, Luigi! (Saw a big wave coming right at him) Here we go again! (Whipped out again) Where am I? (Notice he is standing on top of the ocean.) Rosalina!? Rosalina where are you?!
Rosalina: (Comes out of the ocean, chain in water chain.)
Luigi: Rosalina!
Rosalina: Luigi! Why you keep coming back?! I can't get distracted! I have to concentrate!
Luigi: Wait, Rosalina, tell me where you are? I can help you.
Rosalina: Luigi, you can't... (Pulls down into the ocean.)
Luigi: Rosalina!
Tatanga: (Comes out of the ocean, chain in water chain.) (Saw Luigi and recognized him as Mr. L) You!
Luigi: Tatanga!
Tatanga: So this is how you look like without your hero or wolf form! You're going to pay for what you've done to me! (Tries to grab Luigi) (Gets pulls back into the ocean.)
Rosalina: (Comes out of the ocean) Luigi, you need to get out of here! Now!
Luigi: No, I'm not leaving!
Rosalina: Please, I don't want to hurt you!
Luigi: (Looks at Rosalina in the face) Look at me! Look at me!
Rosalina: (Looks at Luigi)
Luigi: No matter how long it takes, I'm going to find you, but you need to tell me where you are! Please, I want to help!
Rosalina: (Sigh) I don't know where I am! But I somehow had a vision of being close to a tropical island! Luigi, promise me you won't get yourself hurt while trying to save me or your planet!
Luigi: Don't worry, I'll be careful.
Rosalina: Thank you (Pulls back into the ocean)
Luigi: Rosalina! (Notice the ocean shaking) (Saw the were-beast coming out of the ocean.)
Were-Beast: (Tries to attack Luigi)
Luigi: (Wakes up) Rosalina! (Breathes quickly)
Mario: (Hugs Luigi) Luigi, it's okay. We're here.
Daisy: Did you see her?
Luigi: Yah, she's still fused in control, but I don't know for how long.
Peach: Did she tell you, where she is?
Luigi: She doesn't know where she is, but she told me she had a vision of being close to tropical island.
Everyone: (Notice Professor E. Gadd has come back)
Professor E. Gadd: You four are still awake?
Luigi: Professor E. Gadd, I saw Rosalina in my dream! I don't know if it's just my wolf power, but I felt like I was speaking to her. I think I may have found a way to find Rosalina and... (Notice Professor E. Gadd not speaking) Uh... Professor E. Gadd, are you okay?
Professor E. Gadd: (Falls to the ground) (Starts to sleep)
Mario: I think its best if we all try to get some sleep. Seems like the professor is out.
Luigi: Yep

To Be Continued

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