Chapter Five

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                It has been three weeks since Luigi had his battle with Tantanga, and there was peace once again. Although sometimes Luigi keeps on having the feeling that something unexpected is going to happen.

Luigi/Daisy: (Playing soccer)
Daisy: (Smirks) Not bad for a boy to play soccer.
Luigi: Not so bad yourself, Daisy. Hey Daisy, there's something I've been meaning to tell you.
Daisy: Really? What?
Luigi: (Nervous) I... (Makes an excuse) I remember I need to see Professor E. Gadd right now! Bye! (Leaves)
Daisy: Huh? That was weird. (Notice she is getting a call from Peach) (Answer her Phone) Hi Peach!
Peach: (Talking to Daisy at her phone) Hi Daisy, how's soccer practice with Luigi.
Daisy: Great, Luigi is almost as good as me in soccer. He'll probably be able to be part of Nintendo High soccer team.
Peach: That's good to hear. Did he by any chance confessed how he feels about you?
Daisy: I thought he was, but he somehow made an excuse and ran quickly. This is the first time that has ever happened to me.
Peach: Daisy, could he be the one?
Daisy: What do you mean?
Peach: Well, the boys whom you use to date in the past only likes you because you're a princess and would choose to go out with you instead of being friends. While, Luigi, on the other hand, gets nervous when you try to grab his hands, and is happy to be friends with you even though you are a princess. I think Luigi like you way differently.
Daisy: (Sigh) That's impossible, Peach. You know how all the boys are with me. One look and after finding out that I'm a princess, they want to go out with me instead of being friends. (Sigh)
Peach: Alright, lets see if you know the right answers of these questions. Who is the boy that you have find out that has a crush on you?
Daisy: Easy, its Luigi.
Peach: Okay, now why do you believe he has a crush on you?
Daisy: Easy, he likes me because I'm a princess. (Realize something) No wait, he likes me for something else. (Pause)
Peach: Daisy? Are you okay?
Daisy: Yeah, I need a moment alone right now. (Ends the call)
(Meanwhile) (Professor E. Gadd's lab)

Luigi: How am I supposed to confess my feelings to Daisy, if every time I come too close to her, I get nervous.
Professor E. Gadd: My boy, if I remember correctly, the Lone Wolf of the past had to show much courage to face his fear. Now, you must face you fear, but right now I need you to watch over the moonstone while I'm gone and try finding the problem with the moonstone.
Luigi: Why? What's wrong with the moonstone?
Professor E. Gadd: It somehow started to light up different colors which I never seen before. I even check on every history about the first Lone Wolf, but nothing says about the moonstone changing colors. Well, see you around. (Leaves)
Luigi: (Sigh) At least I have something to keep my head off my love problem.
Moonstone: (Started to glow light blue)
Luigi: Huh? It's almost as if you understood me.
Moonstone: (Started to glow green)
Luigi: Wait, are you talking to me?
Moonstone: (Starts to glow green)
Luigi: Woah! What kind of a moonstone are you?
Moonstone: (Starts to glow red)
Luigi: Wait, are you saying you're not a moonstone but something else?
Moonstone: (Starts to glow green)
Luigi: Whoa! Well, whoever you are, I'm going to make sure that nothing happens to you. Okay?
Moonstone: (Starts to glow yellow)
Luigi: But first, I need to tell Professor E. Gadd about this.
Professor E. Gadd: (Arrives) I'm back! So, anything happened while I was gone?
Luigi: Yah, as it turns out, the reason why the moonstone is glowing is because someone is living inside the moonstone.
Professor E. Gadd: Really!? Well that explains the glowing part?! Have you found out what's it trying to say?
Luigi: Well, I was able to understand the colors, but I don't know what the person inside wants me to do.
Moonstone: (Starts to glow orange faster)
Luigi: Professor E. Gadd, what's going on?
Professor E. Gadd: It seems that the person inside is trying to tell you. Lets go outside, quickly!


Luigi: Alright whoever is inside the moonstone, were outside. Just tell me what you want me to do.
Moonstone: (Starts to glow orange faster)
Luigi: Would you mind saying it in a easiest way to communicate?
Moonstone: (Shows Luigi a vision of himself taking a small yellow star off the moonstone)
Luigi: (Notice a star on the moonstone and takes it off, which cause a little boom sound)
Star: (Begins to glow and transform into a teenage girl)
Luigi: Whoa!
???: (Drops into the ground) (Looks at Luigi) Thank you (Tries to get up) (About to fall)
Luigi: (Grabs her on time) (Helps her to stand up)
???: You actually talked to me. You helped me. It's Luigi, right?
Luigi: (Nodded saying yes)
Rosalina: I'm Rosalina, princess of the Gateway Galaxy. Are you really the new Lone Wolf?
Luigi: Yeah
Rosalina: (Hugs Luigi) Thank you for everything. I hope I see you again soon.
Luigi: Wait, you're leaving right now?! But don't you want to rest?
Rosalina: No, Luigi, I have to make sure that my kingdom is okay. I've been gone for so long, that I haven't stop thinking about my kingdom. But I'll come by and visit you. If that's okay with you?
Luigi: Uhm, yeah.
Rosalina: Well, goodbye. Oh and Luigi, don't waist your time on trying to tell Daisy about how you feel. Also, Professor E. Gadd, thank you for taking good care of me. (Fly's off quickly)
Luigi/Professor E. Gadd: (Blown by the wind caused by Rosalina's flight)
Professor E. Gadd: Well, I'll be. That girl is really fast.
Luigi: Yeah, I just hope she's okay. Speaking of okay, I should probably head back to the park and apologize to Daisy for running off so quickly. (Leaves)
Professor E. Gadd: Alright
                As Luigi head back to the park, he notice that Daisy has left, but forgot her soccer ball. So, Luigi went to Peach's castle, since Daisy is staying their for a while, to give Daisy back her soccer ball.

(Peach's castle)

Peach: (Brushes Daisy's hair)
Daisy: I can't believe after many boys who fell in love with me just because I'm a princess. Luigi is the first boy to love me for who I am.
Peach: Isn't that a good sign for you? Besides, he knew your tuff enough to handle bully's, he still doesn't like you to get hurt. By the way, what kind of hairstyle would you like?
Daisy: (Looks at her hair and decides to cut it)

(Few minutes later)

Daisy: Well, how's it looks?
Peach: I think you look great.
Peach/Daisy: (Hears a knock on the door.)
Daisy: I'll get it. (Opens the door and saw it was Luigi)
Luigi: (Begins to apologize) (Nervous) I'm sorry for leaving so quickly! I just...! (Notice Daisy's hair is short.) You're hair.... it's...different.
Daisy: Oh yeah, since I'm in Nintendo High now, I thought it would be good to have a change. (Notice what a mess Luigi is.) What happened to you?
Luigi: Well, let's just say that the moonstone began to glow mysteriously in different colors. As it turns out to be a person inside. And I may have released that person who turns out to be a princess from a different kingdom by pulling a star off the moonstone, which may have cause a boom sound. Then she fly's off very quickly to her kingdom. That princess does not rest. Oh, by the way, you left your soccer ball.
Daisy: Thanks. (Kiss Luigi on the cheek) (Couldn't believe what she just done) Uh, okay good to see you. I hope I see you again. Why I did that!? Why I did that!? Why I did that!? (Close the door)
Luigi: (Shock)

To Be Continued

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