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It had been almost three whole days since the blonde customer had shown up at their parlor. 

Lisa wasn't sure what went wrong, but at some point during the night, the girl's face had dropped and she wasn't so excited about continuing her very-much-believable story anymore.

She didn't even accept Lisa's offer to come inside her apartment and have a cup of coffee before leaving. The girl just muttered about something coming up and then just left. Lisa only realized yesterday that they didn't even exchange numbers. 

But, why she cared so much about all this, was another mystery to her. 

Jennie had been acting weird too, she was on her phone for long hours and got extremely irritated when Lisa would ask her to put it down. Coming home late, taking showers twice a day and just staring into a wall and smiling, were some of the other things Lisa noticed about her roommate. 

She snapped out of her thoughts when her annoyingly loud ringtone (baby shark-sped up version) started to play. Rethinking her irrational decision to set this as her permanent ringtone four weeks ago, she picked up the call. 

"Hello, am I speaking to Miss Lalisa Manoban?"

"I guess..."

"Are you Miss Manoban?"

"I mean, the last time I checked hehe."

Clearing his throat irritated, the speaker continued, "Okay, well I just wished to inform you that you're application to join our prestigious club, has been accepted. A hearty congratulations to you Miss"

Weirded out at the fact that people used the word 'hearty' in an actual verbal conversation, Lisa slowly replied, "Oh, okay thanks."

"That's all?" The voice remarked sounding dissatisfied. 

"Um, yes?"

"Fine. They just accept anyone nowadays. Such mannerless duffers in our club? Looks like it's time for me to bid farewell to this place."

Lisa was unsure if the man had deliberately cut the call only after his last remark, or if it was just an honest mistake, but she wasn't much devested either way. 


A/N - this chapter is so short i'm sorry 😭😭but from now on regular updates on tuesdays, thursdays, saturdays and sundays  🍙🍙🍙

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