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"You're calling in sick again? Seriously Jen, what are you up to?"

Jennie, who was aggressively trying to untie a grey necklace while doing her hair at the same time, replied without looking back. "It's nothing Lisa hehe... I'm just... going to visit my aunt! Yeah, that's right! My aunt."

"Sure you are," Lisa replied. Not questioning as to why she was applying hair cream and dousing herself with lavender perfume whilst going to meet up with her supposed 'aunt'. 

After what seemed like a good twenty minutes, the brunette took one long, scrutinizing look at herself in the mirror. She then turned around, seemingly satisfied with the look, and looked back at her roommate. "Well then, bye lis! I'll see you later 'kay?"

Why the fuck is she speaking like that now?


Lisa's weekends were usually uneventful. After all, the pair of roommates weren't necessarily the smartest or prettiest or most interesting for that matter. They were just incredibly mundane regular people. So signing herself up for a 'stone-skipping club' was a healthy change in her life. 

She was certain that the club would be serious and not something that was just created to pass time. But she was proven to be wrong by the frankly- useless formalities that the boy had put her through.

The secretary by the way looked young enough to be in 11th grade. 

 She had to fill out a highly amateurish form with multiple spelling errors (it was not even printed out) and then wait for only a week for her to be accepted into it. She was certain that the boy didn't even discuss with the club's head whether to allow her in or not. So completely unprofessional! And in all honesty, to her, stone-skipping was something to be treated with a lot more seriousness. 

Anyway, she had been informed that they were to have a small meet-up on Saturday (today) and so she was to be present at the location at sharp 4' o'clock. 

Lisa didn't question why that was but presumed that the boy aka the secretary of the club, probably had to be home by 6. Or maybe that was his playtime or whatever.

She was currently slouched on the hideous yellow couch she and Jennie had bought for a 100 bucks and was chewing a mouthful of potato chips. Looking over at the clock, she decided it was time for her to get dressed. 

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