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My name is Winter Riley. I've been through everything and I just want to have freedom. I have very strict parents, throughout my childhood I never got to do those things that normal kids do. I was always locked up in my room studying, or having tea in a fancy dress with my family. Basically my family is one of those snobby rich people, who only cares about themselves. If the word involves money, they're listening but other than should know that part. So when I turned 18 my parents set me up in a arranged marriage to Gabrielle Nicholas. Of course I was furious they were still controlling my life but what can I do? I do everything my parents tell me to do, I wish I was stronger to finally say no. Me and Gabe have been engaged for two months, the wedding is in May. It's December right now, and who wants a wedding in the cold? I don't love him, I actually despise him. I don't want any part in this but I'm doing this because of my parents. If I don't do this, they will cut ties with me. They told me to my face they will cut me off and never speak to me again. Plus I have no job, I wanted a job but my mother said women don't have jobs, they sit and look pretty. So of course you should know by now, Gabe is rich. Very rich. Now let me tell you about the great Gabrielle Nicholas. He's horrible !!!!! Someone please tell me to blink if I need help !!! The good thing about it is, he works all the time, that's time away from that monster. He comes home everyday and yells at me for the smallest things. I'm so used to it, I don't even fight with him anymore. I just let him blabber. I will never hear the end of this phrase, "If you don't do as I say, I will call your parents". Oh the classic Gabe move. Someone kill me right now.

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