The Raspberry Cookies

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He stood there with his jet black hair and blue eyes glaring at Gabe. "Maybe someone should teach you how to talk to a lady". "Who the fuck are you to tell me how to talk to my fiancée?". "Mind your damn business, you prick !". "You're telling me to mind my business like you didn't just come out here yelling at me asking who the hell am I".

"Let's go Winter"!, gabe says. As we go inside, I couldn't help but to think about the mysterious man. Omg is he going to be our new neighbor??? Why do I like the thought of that ? Gabe starts saying something but I can't hear him because I'm too busy thinking of the hot neighbor. "Hello woman, are you listening to me"! "What"? I say. "I said that jerk better know his damn place, I own this fucking city". Gabe walks away shaking his head, mumbling. He comes back and grabs his car keys and slams the door leaving for work.

I go do my morning routine and afterwards I make breakfast. Gabe was so mad he left early and didn't wait for breakfast like he usually do. I hope he starve, sorry not sorry. I make bacon, eggs, biscuits, and sausages. I finally get to eat in peace without Gabe telling me how to use a fork. I started thinking about the whole situation earlier outside. I felt terrible the way Gabrielle talked to the stranger. I wanted to apologize for his behavior, so I made my favorite raspberry chocolate cookies. I put on my best outfit and grabbed the cookies on the way out. I walked outside, the furniture was gone. It made me think the stranger left because of Gabe obnoxious behavior.

So I turned around to head back to my house. "Do I have a little stalker"? "Ahh" I gasped. "I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was here so I left". He just stood there eyeing me. I had to break the silence. "I wanted to apologize for my fiancé behavior earlier, I know this won't excuse his actions but I made you cookies". I laughed because I was so nervous and a bit embarrassed. He starts laughing too and says, "I hope their good cookies". "Come inside and we can share them". I knew I was being stupid, Gabe will literally kill me but I didn't care for some reason. "Sure". When we walked in, I was amazed, lost for words. It was beautiful in his mansion. It wasn't empty inside, it was dark and mysterious just like him. I expected it to be empty.

He has a lot of paintings on his wall, and everything looked meaningful. It looked liked he took his time decorating. I always wanted to be an interior decorator but my parents said they don't make a lot of money. I never cared about money. Never have and never will. I couldn't help but ask, "How did you decorate this only in a couple of hours"? "Who says I did it in a couple of hours"? "Wait I never seen anyone in this house since I been here". "Well maybe you wasn't looking". "I've been working on this house for almost a month now". Omg he been here this whole time. So what was the difference today. "Well how come today was the only day we heard you"? "That was because I was drilling outside I guess". "What's your name"? "Winter Riley" I say. "What about yours"? "Hunter Ricardo". I finally know his name ! "Have a seat" he says. "Can I get you anything to drink"? "Water please".

We both sat down and ate a cookie each. "Wow Goldie, these are pretty good cookies". Every time he speaks, it's so sexy, and he has the dark deep voice that suits his look. "Why did you call me Goldie"? "Because your eyes look golden brown". "Wow we're already giving each other nicknames". I start laughing. "I know I'm being nosey , but do you mind if I ask you a few questions"? "What are you a cop"? "Oh I'm sorry". I felt a little embarrassed. "I'm just kidding Goldie, ask away". "Oh ok, so what made you want to move to California"? I hope that wasn't too personal to ask him. I'm just very curious about him. I couldn't help but to ask. "Umm, well I grew up in New York all my life. I wanted to experience something new. Of course I visited other places but I always lived in New York. I chose California".

"Feel free to not answer any of these questions if you don't want to". "Do you have parents and what are they like"? "Yes I have parents and they're my rock. I don't know what I would do without them. They're amazing". Why did I feel jealous that I didn't have that relationship with my parents? "Alright my turn, he says". "Where are you from and do you have parents "? "Also what are they like if you do"? "I'm from Seattle and if you don't mind, I would like to not talk about my parents". "I apologize, I didn't mean to pry". "No it's okay, it's not your fault, it's just the last thing I want to do is talk about my parents".

"Ok, another question, Why are you with that prick of a fiancé "? Out of nowhere we're interrupted by my stupid phone ringing. I say excuse me to Hunter and look who's calling me, it's Gabrielle !!!!

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