Business Trip

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Gabe came home pretty late, I was in bed by then. Thank god, I couldn't face him with what just happened earlier. I feel like I just committed a crime, but I don't feel bad at all. Maybe if I had a better fiancé that would love me, I wouldn't feel good when another man touches me. Gabe treats me like shit, he makes me feel like crap. He judges everything I wear. He controls my diet. He controls everything. I mean what did I expect, I'm in a arranged marriage for sakes ! But sometimes they turn out good and I guess that's what I was expecting. You know how some people meet for the first time and it goes amazing? Well that's not what happened with me and Gabrielle. My parents introduced me to him and let's just say he wasn't very friendly. The first thing he said to me was, you need to obey me if this is going to work. I don't even get a fucking hey. So I wake up the next day and I see a suitcase and clothes. "What's going on Gabe"? "I have to go on a business trip in London for a week". "How long have you known this"? "For a while". "Why are you just now telling me this"? "Because I don't have to tell you shit". "That's not how things work Gabe, you make me tell you every damn detail". "I'm not in the mood for this shit Winter". "I left you $10,000 for a week, it should last you". "Don't eat anything greasy, who wants to see you fat". "You're a jerk Gabe". He walked out with his briefcase and suitcase then left. That's it. He's lucky I don't care enough to yell at him for just up and leaving like this. I'm actually happy he's gone for a week. I could cry in tears of joy right now. I didn't have the energy to fight with him this morning about the way he talks to me. Woohoooo he's gone !!! I start jumping on the bed like a little kid. This was the best feeling ever. I'm definitely binge watching Netflix and eating Chinese takeout. It's 3pm now and I'm watching my favorite movie twilight. I hear a knock at the door. We never get visitors so I was pretty curious who it might be. I open the door and it's Hunter leaned over on the door. "Hunter, omg what are you doing here"? "My fiancé could've been here"! "Well he's not, he's on his way to London now, isn't he"? "How did you know that"? "Let's just say I keep tabs on his company, his company is my rival". "I heard he was going to London for a big business deal and he'll be gone for a week". "So can I come in"? "I don't think that's a good idea". "Nothing won't happen without your consent, I'm just here because I thought we were just two friendly neighbors, talking about our lives". "And I need some good company". "Sure, come in", I say hesitant. "Nice place". "Umm thanks". "Would you like something to eat or drink"? "No I'm good, thanks". We both sat down on the sofa, you could smell the tension a mile away. "So umm I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable". "I got caught up in the moment and I thought you was ok with it". "No it's my fault, I just wanted to feel alive or something in that moment but I realized I'm still engaged". "It doesn't matter if I'm happy or not , I have to at least respect our marriage". "It does matter if you're unhappy, what you're going to do spend the rest of your life miserable"? "Goldie you deserve the world, stop letting people dictate your life". "But what can I do Hunter, I have no job, no other family, or any support". "I have to choose this". "You have me" says Hunter. "I'll be right here, every step of the way, I could help you get a job, and I can let you stay at one of my houses until you're on your feet". "I know you're the type of person that doesn't like handouts, so you can work for it". "I have plenty of houses far away from here, you don't have to live like this". "Why are you trying to help me Hunter"? "I just want to help, and you're too good of a person to live like this". "I'm fine Hunter, it's ok". "You're stubborn Goldie, ok at least think about it, if times get bad...think about it". "Ok I will". "Promise me". "Ok ok I promise Hunter". "So are we like friends now"? "I guess you can say that". "Good because I need one, you're the only person I ever told about my life". "I'm glad to be the first", he says with a smirk. "So what we're watching". "Oh I was just watching a movie". I hurried up and turned the tv off, I was very embarrassed I was watching twilight. "I like you in glasses and comfortable clothes , you're even more beautiful". "Oh, thanks I guess". "So how does it feel to have the house to yourself Goldie"? "Honestly, it feels amazing". "What's it like when he's here"? "It's not peaceful, let me just say that". He chuckles hard and tells me he likes this side of me. "You seem confident around me". "You think so"? "Yeah, you should try to be more confident to your parents and Gabe". "Stand up for yourself". I love the way Hunter seems to care about me, he motivates me to change. I need to hear this, because I'm very weak and vulnerable towards my family and Gabe. This has to stop. I'm going to try my best to not let them tear me down in any way again. "Hunter"? "Yes, Goldie"? "I think I want to call off the wedding when Gabe gets back", I said trembling at the thought. "That's a start, the fact that you're even considering it shows me you're strong". "You're not as weak as you think you are, you just needed a little push and support". "Thank you Hunter...for being here for me". "I needed this". I invaded Hunter space and hugged him. He smelled woody with a hint of vanilla. Why was I still hugging him? I didn't want to let go. "Winter, you ok"? I look him in his eyes and say "That's the first time you ever called me Winter". "I know, I like calling you both, they're both beautiful names like you". I'm still holding Hunter and we're both just looking at each other while each second passes. "You're so fucking beautiful Winter" "And you're...handsome". "Omg I can't believe I said that out loud, I'm sorry". "You think I'm handsome huh"? "Yes...very". "Can I kiss you Goldie"? "Yes, you can kiss me". We kissed so passionately, my body was craving Hunter. I wanted more, I needed more. "Hunter"? "Yes"? "I want to feel good for the first time, can you make me feel good"? "You want to have sex"? "Yes, I want more". "I hope you don't mind". "No, I'm not having sex with you". "What, is it because I'm a virgin"? "You need to take things slow and be sure that's what you want". "And if you want the person you love one day to do it". "I don't care about that Hunter, I need this". "How about I make you feel good with doing something else". " o ook". He grabs me and lay me down on the soft sofa. He asks can he remove my pants and I say yes nervously. He takes off my underwear, and says "wow, you're even beautiful down here too". He starts kissing my thighs, and working his way up teasing me. "You sure you want this"? "Don't stop Hunter, keep going". He finally tastes me, and it felt so damn good. I instantly felt like I was cumming. I started moving around grabbing hunter's hair. The way he licks my vagina is amazing. Where did he learn this. "Hunter, I'm cumming". "Cum for me beautiful". "Ahhh" I moaned. I came so quick and Hunter starts kissing my whole body making me feel special. "Did that feel good"? "Yes, it felt amazing". I look down and I see Hunter is so hard, you can see it through his pants. I can tell this was very stressful for him. "I want to make you feel good now Hunter". "No, I'm fine Goldie, this was about you". "This made me feel good". I have seen plenty movies when my parents were gone, and I think I know the exact thing to do. I get on the floor on my knees and start tussling with Hunter's belt. "What are you doing"? I undo his belt and grabs his penis, oh my goodness. What did I get myself into. "No Goldie, don't, it's okay". I put my mouth on it and start sucking and licking it like tootsie pops. "Ohh shit", Hunter groans. I go deeper and faster, Hunter groaned more louder. "Shit Goldie, I'm about to cum". I stay there not knowing what to do. Do I get up or stay here? Next thing I know, Hunter came in my mouth. I swallowed it, not knowing what to do. "Goldie that was fucking amazing, you didn't have to swallow, you could've spit". "I'm sorry". "No don't be, I just thought it was taste nasty to you, I just want you to be okay". "I'm okay Hunter". "Thank you for this Hunter, I know you probably was uncomfortable". "Are you kidding me right now"? "If you ever need me to make you feel good again, come to me please". "I will be happy to pleasure your needs". "Ok well same for you, I'll do anything for you". We start putting our clothes back on and Hunter tells me to come here. He grabs me and kisses me and say "I don't want to do this with anyone but you". "I don't want Gabe touching you". "Ok, I don't want anyone touching you either". "No one would ever touch me again Goldie". The thought of someone touching Hunter made me feel uneasy. "So what are we, friends with benefits"? "Goldie that's up to you but one thing for sure is I want more". "I want to take you out and do nice things with you". "I've liked you ever since I saw you, but I knew you was forbidden". "Really"? "Yes, I want you to be mines, mines only". "But Hunter how is this going to work, I'm still unsure about calling the wedding off". "Beautiful, you can take your time, I'll wait but as long as you stay away from him". "I don't want him near you, or touching you". "You don't think he'll be suspicious of us"? "No, as long as we don't give him a reason to". "Ok I'll decide in one week what I'll do, until then I want to live every moment with you". Me and Hunter talked and talked until night. I didn't want him to go back home. I liked him here. "Hunter I don't want you to go". "I didn't plan on it". "Let's shower and go to bed, sometimes I like to sneak and sleep in the spare bedroom, so we can sleep in there". "Oh wait you don't have any sleeping clothes". "Ok well I'll sleep naked". "Oh...ok, are you sure"? "I can wait until you get back". "No I'd rather sleep naked, I do it all the time". "You don't mind do you"? "No, of course not". We quickly get in the shower, Hunter starts tickling me and then he grabs me and kisses me. "You're amazing Goldie". "In the mean time, we head to the spare bedroom with only towels, and Hunter dries me off. I was super shy and nervous. "It's ok Goldie, you have a beautiful body". "Any man would be lucky to have you". He starts kissing my legs to my thighs, then he kisses my breasts. He starts caressing them, licking and sucking my nipples. " Hunter you're making it so hard for me". "I just want to have sex with you". "No, we'll do it at the right time". "At least let me take you on a date before". "Ok then". After that, we snuggled and made out until we drifted to sleep. Omg is this really happening right now??

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