I gave my heart to you

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"Don't answer!", Hunter yelled. "Hunter what if he finds me." "Im so scared." "Don't be, I won't let him hurt you." "He doesn't have a clue where we are." I buried my head in my hands as I cried. Hunter pulled me close to him and wiped my tears. "Baby we can leave the city and move somewhere else." "It's not a problem." "No I can't make you do that, that's too much." "Hunter, if you don't mind I'm tired and I just want to sleep." "Ok that's fine, I'll be down here doing some work."

Hunters POV: I hate she's feeling like this, I hate the feeling of her being afraid of someone else. I will always be there for her and make sure she's safe. I've caught feelings for her since we first met. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet because it haven't been the right moment. But tonight I want to take things off her mind and make her mines for good. Maybe she'll finally see that I will do whatever it takes to make sure no harm comes her way. Hopefully she says yes, I'm so fucking scared she'll say no.

It was 6:40pm when I finally woke up. I woke up with a massive headache after crying for so long. I got up and went downstairs to ask Hunter where's the ibuprofen but he was nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere for him, I searched each room. That's when I heard a car pull up outside and I ran to the window to see if it was Hunter and it was. I was so worried but happy he was ok. He walked in and looked at me with a surprised look on his face. "Hi, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon." "Where were you, I was worried." "Well"...he said while scratching his head and lifting up a bouquet of red roses.

"Omg, Hunter"

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"Omg, Hunter". "You didn't have to get me flowers." "It's more to it baby, will you go on a date with me tonight?" "Of course!" I ran up to him, swinging my arms open for a hug and kissed him. "I'm glad you said yes, honestly I didn't think you were." "Hunter you're amazing, how can I ever say no to you?" "No one's ever treated me like this before and this makes me so happy I want to cry. "Don't cry baby", he chuckled. "Go get ready my love." I happily ran upstairs with a big grin on my face. I have to look hot today, I want to see Hunter jaw drop. 10 minutes later...Ughh I don't know what to wear! I started panicking and throwing clothes everywhere while searching for something to wear. Finally I spotted a all black dress with a low cut neckline.

I quickly showered and brushed my teeth. afterwards I slipped into the dress and put on some matte black stiletto heels. I still haven't decided if I wanted my hair straight or curled. I ended up making my hair curly and I put on some red lipstick. I was finally done, I know Hunter's been waiting for awhile. I grabbed one of the roses he bought me and walked downstairs. 

"Hi", I said

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"Hi", I said. Hunter stood there eyeing me like I was a piece of cake. He rubbed his chin and bit his lip. I looked at him and he looked so fucking sexy standing there with a black suit on.

"You look so damn sexy right now baby

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"You look so damn sexy right now baby." "And you look handsome." "Can I walk you to the car?" "Yes you may", I said laughing. We got in the car and Hunter held my hand the entire ride. We pulled up to a fancy restaurant with beautiful lights hanging from the trees. It looked admiring and I was so happy to be here. The waiter showed us our table and asked what type of drinks we wanted. "What you want baby?" "Umm, I'll take a glass of red wine." "Yeah can we just get the whole bottle of your best wine?" "Yes sir I'll be back with your bottle, in the mean time you can be looking at the menu." I looked at Hunter and smiled. "Really, the whole bottle?" "You know we're not going to drink all of that Hunter." "Well we'll just have it just in case."

"Hey I just want to thank you again for doing this, this is amazing." "It looks so beautiful, I've never seen anything like this."

"I tried to pick the best restaurant for you, I'm glad you love it

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"I tried to pick the best restaurant for you, I'm glad you love it." "You didn't have to try so hard Hunter, you know I would've loved it if it was anywhere." "Even McDonald's", I giggled. The waiter finally came back with an expensive looking wine bottle. I'm still undecided on what I want to eat. Ohh this sounds good. "Ok I'm ready, I would like the Cotswold White Chicken please." "What about you sir?" "I'll have the Sablefish with Saffron Risotto." The waiter finally takes our order and walks off in a hurry. Hunter broke the silence as we waited on our food. "Winter you look amazing, I know I keep repeating it."

"Thank you, you look handsome as always." "As always huh?", he said while grinning. "Can I talk to you about something baby?" "What, yes of course." "Ok, when I first met you I knew I wanted you. I knew you were forbidden and that made me wanted you even more. When I first saw you, you looked beautiful but I can tell you were distressed. I knew you didn't belong there with him. I didn't know your story but I was eager to know. I was so fucking happy you came to my door to bring me raspberry cookies. If bringing me cookies was the only way to see you then so be it. When I found out how he was treating you, I already started setting up the beach house for us. I know we've been seeing each other for less than a month but you make me so damn happy. I love watching you wake up, I love seeing you smile, I'm glad I'm the one who's able to put a smile on your face like that. I love seeing you so enthusiastic about doing the things you love most."

"Winter would you be my girlfriend?" I just listened to the most realest, beautiful thing ever. He just poured his heart out to me so I would be stupid to say no. Why would I say no. Hunter has changed me for the better and I've never been so happy around anyone other than him. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."

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