Have you ever been touched?

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The next morning, I came from hiding and I saw Gabe was gone to work. His briefcase wasn't here or his car keys. Gabrielle is the CEO of a big business company. The company is powerful. I'm starting to feel a little nervous because I know just in a couple of hours, I'm meeting Hunter. After I eat breakfast and take a shower, I pick out me a nice dress. Maybe I should go shopping later on, to find me more casual clothes. The clothes I have screams hey I'm rich, rob me. I literally can't walk in a grocery store without having a fancy dress on. I want casual clothes, I want to feel normal. I never wore jeans before. My mom made me wear stockings, skirts, or dresses throughout my childhood. I wonder will Hunter think I'm some stuck up rich girl.

I head over to Hunter house, and knocked on the door. He answered quick but what took my breath away was him not having a shirt on. Did he really just come to the door like this. "Hey...umm, do you need me to come back"? "Relax, sometimes I just like walking around my house without a shirt, I will go put one on if it's bothering you". "No it's ok, I want you to feel comfortable in your own home".

"Ok so let's move this to the living room, and would you like coffee"? "No thank you, I just had some". We both sat down on his coal black couch and I'm feeling really nervous. Maybe I should've told him to put that shirt on. This is really a bad idea. "So Goldie, how was your night yesterday"? "Oh gosh, you don't want to know". "I do want to know, that's why I asked". "It was very hectic, that's all I can say". "If you ever need help, you can always call me". "Thanks".

I hurried up and changed the subject. "So what do you do for a living"?, I asked briefly. "I own restaurants, nightclubs, and I run my dad company since he's retired". "He has a company down here but I don't just own places in California only". "Wow that's amazing, does it get hard sometimes"? "Hard is not the word, sometimes it gets a little crazy". "I don't mean to pry but I never really seen you leave for work since you been here". He starts chuckling at the nosey question I asked. "Wow someone sure been paying attention to me lately". "And I haven't left my house because, I been at home doing office work here". "Sometimes I like to stay at home and work". "Oh...I'm sorry for being nosey". "No that's ok, I like when you're eager to know about me".

"So Goldie, what do you do for a living". "Yeah right, I wish I can do something for a living". "Why can't you"? "Let's just say my parents set me up with Gabrielle to marry him for his money and to them women shouldn't work". "I always wanted to be an interior decorator though". "Wow, an arranged marriage, I kind of thought y'all just have a bad marriage". "So do y'all ever get along"? "No not really, he's very cold to me". "He's my first boyfriend or whatever you want to call it". "I'm only 18 and I just wish I could go back in time to live a different life". "I wish I didn't let my parents control me". "I'm sorry to hear that, it's sounds like your parents only care about themselves". I tucked my hair behind my ear and lowered my head. It felt sad but good to talk to someone about my life. I don't know why but I felt comfortable talking about this with him.

"You're beautiful". "Huh"? He starts laughing. "You're not use to compliment's are you"? "Umm, no it's just you took me by surprise, that's all". "I'm curious to know, how does your fiancé not bow at your feet and treat you like the queen you are". "Oh...umm idk, I guess he hates me". "Who could ever hate you". "Tell me what happened last night, I'm curious". "Did he hurt you"? "No, ugh, this is embarrassing". "Don't be embarrassed". "He wanted to have sex". "And I'm guessing you didn't"? "Ew no way, I've only been with him two months, and I'm just not ready for that". "But sometimes I think it's just because of him". "Maybe I am ready but just not with him". "I'm a virgin Hunter".

I felt so embarrassed to say that to him. He probably thinks I'm some little kid now. "Oh, if he ever tries anything just let me know"! "Ok". "You look flustered Goldie". "It's just I feel a little embarrassed talking about this with you". "Don't, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable". "The weird thing is I'm not". "Good", he says. "So...you never been touched before"? "No but sometimes I want to". A loose hair fell in front of my face and out of nowhere Hunter tucks it slowly behind my ear. I tremble from his touch. I don't know if it's because I never been touched before but I wanted him to touch me more. My breathing gets shaky and I'm tugging at my purse. He whispers, "You deserve to be touched beautiful". I think he noticed me shaking and desiring his touch. I need to get home but why can't I move.

"I really need to...". "Shhh, he says". Oh gosh I'm so flustered. I really really want him to touch me. He moves his hand to my thigh, caressing it so sexy. "What do you want me to do Goldie"? Oh gosh, forgive me for my sins. "Kiss me Hunter". It didn't take him long to kiss me, it's like he been waiting to do it. The kiss lit a fire in me, I let out a soft moan letting him know I craved him. "Hunter, I can't". I grabbed my purse and ran out the door, not looking back. I can hear Hunter telling me to wait but I kept running. I make it inside my house, trembling. I can't believe that just happened. My first kiss. My first touch. The first time I ever craved someone.

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