Chapter 5

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⚠️TW: swearing⚠️

Kakashi's p.o.v

I woke up the next morning when I heard the door open. I heard people coming in and then the door closing. I was too tired to get up and investigate, though. It was probably just Hana or something.

I hear the bedroom door open and I open my eyes to see who it is. Hana is standing there with an apron on and flour on her face.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." Hana says with a smirk.

"You look horrible." I said.

"Aww, why thank you." Hana said.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. Today is the first day of our mission. I wasn't looking forward to having to deal with Obito. I guess Hana being there would make things a little more bareable, though

"Get dressed and then meet me in the living room. We're going down to the cafe to have breakfast then to Minato-Sensei's room to discuss the mission." Hana said, then walked out of the room.

I went and got dressed then hid all my weapons on me and walked out of the bedroom. We went to the cafe and didn't see the others.

"They're already in Minato-Sensei's room. We'll start once we get here." Hana said.

"Get your food." I said.

"Are you not gonna eat?" Hana asked.

"Alergies. I don't know what's in it so I won't risk it." I said.

"Oh yeah." Hana remembers when I broke into sweat and my throat closed up because I accidentally ate a peanut. I had to go to the hospital.

Hana got her food and then walked over to me. She just grabbed a cinnamon bun since she wasn't that hungry and then pressed an apple into my hand.

"You need to eat something." Hana said.

We walked to Minato-Sensei's room. We stopped ourside of the door so I could finish my apple. I finished, threw away the core, pulled my mask back up, and opened the door.

Everyone stared at us as we walked into the room. I glared at Obito as he smirked as we sat down.

"I thought the great Kakashi Hatake was never late." He said with a smirk.

"It was my fault. He would have gotten here earlier but I slept in." Hana said.

Why is she lying?

"Oh." Obito said and his smirk fell.

"Alright, everyone. Let's talk about this mission." Minato-Sensei said. "Any questions to begin?"

"I know this scroll contains sensitive information, but what information? And why is it so important we get it back?" Hana asked.

"Well it contains imformation about where we keep the scroll of secrets. If the wrong person gets their hands on that, we're all in trouble. It also has information on where ninja files are kept. We have to get it back so that no harm comes to anyone." Minato-Sensei explained.

"Seems pretty convinient." I said.

"What?" Obito asked.

"He just happened to have all that sensitive imformation written down?" Hana said. "Like c'mon, I know he's old, but that's suspicious as hell."

Hana made a few hand signs and stared at me. A few seconds later I looked over at her with a blank stare.


She just grinned and I knew she read mind. Usually she wouldn't be able to do that but last year she learned a jutsu that can let her talk in other people's mind and hear their thoughts.

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