Chapter 12

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⚠️TW/CW: MENTION of torture, IMPLICATIONS of sexual assault(?), blood⚠️

Kakashi's p.o.v

My whole body hurt. I've been in here for around eight hours if the clock on the far wall runs correctly. Or, at least, that's how long I've been awake.

Eight hours. One girl. Things my body shouldn't handle.

God, I'm so tired. I wanna go home and lay down, but I can't. I don't feel safe here.

I want Hana, but there's no way for me to get out of here.

I vowed to myself to go find her as soon as I could leave. This place is already a hell hole, and I've barely been here half a day.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I cursed to myself as I started to sit up. "God, it hurts."

I strained my eyes to focus on the door about 25 yards away from me. I could faintly see the door handle but I couldn't tell if it was locked. The room was still dark as hell.

I was thinking about crawling over and checking, but my everything hurts. I rubbed my eyes, they were probably red from how much I've been rubbing them from tiredness.

I slowly began to use my arms to pull myself up. My whole body hurt, but I was determined to at least try and get out of here. I wanted to see Hana. I want my girlfriend. I miss her.

I slowly crawled over to the door. It felt like my muscles were about to rip open, and every little movement was making my body hurt even more.

Just as I got to the door. It opened. Unfortunately, it wasn't who I was hoping.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked, closing the door.

"Oh shit." I cursed.


Hana's p.o.v

It's been days. DAYS. I haven't seen Kakashi in so long. I miss him so much, I need him right now.

"Hana." Rin said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You and Kakashi are a cute couple." She said. Obito nodded in agreement.

"W-We're not together!" I defended.

"It's obvious, hun." Rin says.

"It really is. You guys are horrible at hiding it. Mostly you." Obito says with a chuckle.

I sighed. "Just... don't tell Kakashi that you know please. I don't think he wants people to know."

"Hana, he should want people to know." Obito said.

"Yeah. And if he doesn't, you deserve better." Rin says.

"You don't know Kakashi the way I do. There's a reason he doesn't want people to know and I understand it." I said with a sigh.

"What's the reason?" She asked.

"I can't say. That's his business and, as his girlfriend and best friend, I need to respect that." I told them.

"You promise it's a genuinely valid reason?" Obito asked.

"Yes. I promise." I said.

"Okay. We'll be okay with it then."

I didn't answer. I'm so worried about Kakashi. I haven't seen him in so long.

I swear when this is over you can have anything you want, love, just hang on there please.
Hello my Gays, Straights, and whatever else you guys are,

hi, so, uhm, i am so so incredibly sorry that i haven't updated this book in like over six months. i've been so busy and winter got me hella down.

anyways, i'm back! i'll hopefully be writing a lot more now that i'm feeling better, so look forward to that :)

as always, remember to drink water eat something, stay safe, and have a good day/night

i love you all so much! byee!

❤︎Word Count: 600 words


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