Chapter 7

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⚠️TW/CW: cussing, small amount of blood, description of allergic reaction⚠️

Hana's p.o.v

"Kakashi? Are you still mad about last night?" I asked on the way down to the cafe. It was six-thirty right now but Kakashi wanted to be there early.

"Like I said last night, there's nothing to be upset about." Kakashi said in his usual monotone voice.

"I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it." I said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "I know you would never do that."

He looked at me for a second before he squeezed my hand back quickly. He let go after that. "Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome. It was miserable having you be mad at me all night and all this morning." I complained.

Kakashi scoffed lightly. I smiled to myself at his attitude because I knew it was only because we were know in sight of Minato and Kushina.

We sat down at the table with them and Kushina got all excited when she saw us. Then she started talking about how we needed to go over to their house for lunch as a team because we haven't been there in forever.

"Obito will probably be late." I said.

"Obviously. He always is." Kakashi scoffed.

I grinned as I saw Obito and Rin walking over to us. Just as it turned seven. They were almost late, but they made it just in time

"We're here--not late." Obito said, sitting down in his chair.

"Only because of Rin. You would probably be three hours late if it weren't for her." Kakashi said.

"Shut the hell up, bakakashi." Obito said.

"Okay, boys," Sensei started. "let's please not kill each other today. Okay?"

"Don't worry, sensei. I'll keep him in line." I said, guesturing to Kakashi.

"Thank you, Hana." Sensei said, smiling in relief.

I nodded my head. I asked Kakashi what he was gonna get. He said probably something from the buffet. He didn't want to risk having peanuts anywhere near his food.

"You order what I want, and I'll order what you want. Just tell me what you want and I'll ask if it has peanuts in it." I whispered to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded once quick.

He told me what he wanted and I told him what I wanted. Obito was giving us some strange looks, but I just ignored him. He doesn't get to suddenly be my best friend after what he said last night. He needs to appologize first.

The waitress came over and got our drink orders. Me and Kakashi both just got a water. She said she'd be right back and then walked away.

Everyone talked about what we wanted and then the waitress came back to take our food orders. "What would you guys like?" She asked nicely.

"I just have a question." I said.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Does the yogurt parfait have any nuts in it? Or would it be cooked around any nuts?" I asked.

"What kind of nuts?" She asked.

"Tree nuts in general." I said.

"Uhm, let me check really quick." She said, pulling a small ipad out of the back of her apron.

She was quiet for a minute then looked back at me and smiled. "Nope. It has no nuts and would not be cooked near any nuts." She said.

"Great. I'll get that." I said.

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