Chapter 9

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Kakashi's p.o.v

"Alright, everyone," Minato began when we all met back up. "we're ready to begin. I talked to Sarutobi to make sure I had everything. Now that that's over, we can begin on the real part of this mission."

"What do you mean?" Rin asked.

"I mean now we need to actually find our way to the scroll. This is day three. We leave day seven wether we get that scroll or not." Minato explains.

"What happens if we don't get the scroll?" Hana asked.

"Sarutobi will likely send another team. He may even send out an anbu team." Minato says.

We can't let that happen. Sarutobi might start thinking I'm not as capable as he believes.

"Well what do we do then?" Hana questioned.

"We need to scout out ways to get to the Mizukage. It may be a difficult task. We have to make sure no one becomes suspicious of us." He said.

"So what should we be doing?" Obito asked.

"Let's look around. Search for areas we could watch from without being detected. Also look for areas where we could sneak into the Mizukage place without anyone noticing us." Minato explained to the team.

Little did we know, the mission wouldn't be so easy. In fact, this may have been the way we were found out.


Hana's p.o.v

Kakashi and I decided to split from the others to scope so that we could have some time alone. I knew Kakashi would enjoy that, at least a little bit.

We walked around for a while. We were kind of just walking in circles. We were originally just going to look around the Mizukage headquarters, but there are a lot of ninja stationed around and we didn't wanna seem suspicious.

We finally stopped in an area that looked nice. I sat down on a bench and Kakashi sat next to me. I realized just how quiet he had been being. I looked over at him.

He was scanning the area. He, very obviously, had his guard up. I noticted a few ninja eyeing us. I needed to get Kakashi to relax before they got suspicious.

"Honey!" I exclaimed.

He looked over at me confusedly. I smiled at him and moved forward.

"You really need to release some tension. School must really be getting to you!" I said.

"We don't go-"

"Kakashi." I whispered fiercly.

He noticed what I was talking about and played along. It almost scared me how good he was at acting.

"Of course, babe. School has been kind of stressful. You know, the teachers are so hard on us." Kakashi teased, going along with my storyline.

"Aw, babe," I said, wanting to punch him in the face. "you've got to make room for yourself. Stop prioritizing schoolwork!"

"Of course, baby. Anything for you." Kakashi said.

I blushed, turning red. I tried to keep it down but couldn't. I could tell Kakashi was smiling even if I couldn't see his face right now. His eyes gave it all away.

The ninjas stopped looking at us. I assumed that they thought we were just a couple talking about school. That's not even close to the truth. However, if it makes them stop watching us, that's what we'll play as.

"You're blushing." Kakashi whispered.

"No I'm not." I whispered back.

"Yeah, you are." He muttered.

"Shut up. Why do you care?" I asked teasingly.

"Because I'm the reason you blushed. I like that, in all honesty." Kakashi says.

"You like that you're the reason I blush?" I asked.

"Of course I do." Kakashi said.

"Whatever." I said, looking away.

He laughed quietly, but I could hear it. His laugh is so perfect and angelic. I hate that he doesn't laugh as much as he used to. He used to laugh all the time.

However, that was before his dad comitted suicide. It was also before Sarutobi started conditioning him to be the perfect ninja.

I wish that never would have happened to him. It's horrible that it did, and I'm so pissed off.

Completely outside of my knowledge,  that small interaction right there may have been the reason we're now in the mess we're in.
Hello my Gays, Straights, and whatever else you guys are,

I'm making some small changes to the canon plot to make the story more interesting. Hope it's making sense!

Remember to drink water, eat something, stay safe, and try to have a good day/night !!

Byeee, love you all xx

❤︎Word count: 755 words


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