Part II - First Session

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TW: homophobic slurs, violence

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*George's POV*

I was told I got a new student today. I thought I was free from tutoring for the rest of the year - or at least semester - but then they give me someone who is struggling in three different subjects! Three! I'm too tired for this shit. I rest my head on my hand as I wait for my student to show up.

I stare off into space until I hear a familiar voice. "No, there's gotta be someone else available." His voice is just loud enough for a few other people to look up at him with scowls. Brave souls.

"I'm sorry," the librarian whispered back, trying to calm him down. "He's the only one who doesn't have a student and we try to divide up the students equally among our tutors."

"Fine," he mumbles, swiping his books off the desk and walking over to where I was sitting. No. No, please, no. He cannot be my student . God, please, no...

"George," Dream says, putting his backpack down on the other side of the table.

"No name calling?" I ask. Pretty bold of me to say something after what he did to me earlier today, but he can't do anything to me out in the middle of the library with several people around.

He smirks. "Got a reputation to keep in front of these idiots." He gestures to the surrounding students. "I'm sure the opposite can be said about you, fruity boy."

I don't say anything in regards to the almost funny insult. He's running out of things creative things to call me and resorting to kindergarten insults. I just open my math tutoring book and attempt to start the session.

"Oh wait, you don't even have a reputation to begin with, do you?" He continues when I give him nothing. "You're a nobody here. And you'll always be one." It's not like this is new. I deal with this on a regular basis. I'd like to say I'm not fazed anymore but that would be lying.

I take a deep breath. "Can we just start please?" I want this last hour of school to go by as quickly as possible with the least amount of insults possible.

"Fine," said Dream with a touch of annoyance.

"Good," I mumbled through my teeth. "What would you like to start with? I always find it's easier to work on the hardest subject first."

"That's bullshit. Why would that be easiest?" Dream leaned back and crossed him arms.

I narrowed my eyes. He was playing with me. Running the time out so he would only have to do a minuscule amount of work before excusing himself from the table so he can go to football practice.

"You start with the hardest subject at the beginning of the semester when you have the most motivation and then you work your way back," I explained.

I saw his expression change slightly. Something clicked in his brain. I wasn't sure if it was the two brain cells he had finally understanding or if he was trying to use his 10 IQ to think of another way to stump me.

He uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. "Let's be honest, George," he spat. It was like he hated saying my name. I don't remember the last time he actually called me by my name although I never called him by his real name either. But the thing is his nickname is beautiful and heroic while mine...well...everyone knows what mine means. "I don't want to be here," he continued, "You obviously don't want to be here either so let's just tell my coach you're tutoring me so I can go back to my life and you can go back to yours, okay?" He stood up to leave but I slammed my hand down on his heavy science book that was out on the table, not allowing him to pick it up and leave.

"Sit," I said. "And let's start with science."

He walked around to my side of the table and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "Do you really want me to use you like a football? I will fucking punt you so hard you will spend the rest of your days dying in a hospital."

"I'm not scared of your threats, Clay," I said, though my voice quivered showing him that I regretted every word especially his real name.

He gripped my collar tighter and wound up his fist. "Call me that again, fag! I dare you!"

A crowd was starting to surround us even though we were in one of the corners of the library. But Dream's outburst got the attention of almost everyone including the librarian who peaked her head up from her desk. "Mr. Block?" she said a little worried.

"Call me that again!" Dream repeated.

"Dream-" I struggled to say. If he kept this up I'd be laughed at more than I was already. I wanted to tell her to stop. "People are looking-" I squeaked out.

He looked around and shrugged. "Not everyone, but I'll change that." I didn't even have time to process his words before his fist came in contact with my face.

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*Dream's POV*

I wasn't sure if punching George in the face was the right move although it was fun seeing everyone's reactions. They thought of me as something more than just the quarterback - now no one would mess with me. Just as I liked it.

The librarian had thrown herself in front of George as soon as I punched him. He fell to the ground at at first I thought I knocked him out. My heart sank a little cause the more I hurt him the more severe the punishment would be.

As soon as I saw George lift himself up with one arm and touch his bleeding nose with the other, my heart fluttered. Thank god. The punishment won't be as bad.

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