Part VII ~ End of Suspension

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TW: mentions and descriptions of sex + homophobia

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*George's POV*

After school, every day, the same thing happened. I wasn't complaining though. I lied to my friends, though, well I lied to my one friend, Karl. I told him I dreaded tutoring Dream after school. I mean, I was still scared of him. He was my bully from sixth grade (when I first moved to America) to now in junior year. I have the right to be scared still.

Tuesday, he apologized for Monday yet the sexual tension was still there. It was undeniable. Impossible to dismiss. As I turned to leave, Dream opened the door for me and I swear he sniffed the air as I walked by. Feeling a bit bold, I turned to him and shot him a look. "What the fuck?" I whispered before I was pulled back into the room by my hips. I felt him grow behind me. He pressed himself closer and moaned in my ear. It was the hottest sound I had ever heard. I ended up on his bed within the next 10 seconds. 20 minutes later, I was on my way home wondering what the fuck just happened for the second time.

Wednesday, my stomach was beating me up from the inside. Butterflies weren't flying around, they were punching my gut and making me feel sick, but at the same time my heart felt lighter and it danced in my chest. When the final bell rang I felt a smile creep on my face. I raced over to Dream's house and upon opening the door he smiled, too and led me to his living room. As we made out on the couch and things started to get heated, he whispered in my ear, "My parents aren't home which means I'm gonna fuck you harder than you've ever been fucked." I probably could've came right then and there, but I held back, allowing my mind to think of something other than this exceptionally sexy man in front of me.

On Thursday, after a half hour of tutoring, Dream said he was going to wait until the end of the session but couldn't hold back any longer...that is if I wanted something special right then and there...of course I accepted. He told me to close my eyes and obliged excitedly. I felt him take off my pants, but kept my eyes closed. He preemptively apologized to me saying he had never done this before but wanted to try it. My face must have been so twisted. I was complaining confused until his warm, wet mouth wrapped around my length. I almost fell back in my chair. I anticipated a few things but not that. Yes, it was my first blowjob, but it was a pretty fucking good one.

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I tapped my pencil against my notebook waiting for the last class of the day to get out. I watched the clock tick slower than I possibly thought time could go. I didn't even notice I was tapping my pencil on my desk until Sapnap stomped on my foot when the teacher wasn't looking. I held in my squeals of pain. "Stop or I'll shove that pencil into your neck," he whispered. I remained still throughout the rest of the period.

As soon as the bell rang, I picked up my backpack and rushed out the door. However, as soon as I got outside, I heard cackling from the football team. They all had their jerseys on for Friday game day. I remembered Dream almost feeling bad he couldn't play in today's game. He would no doubt be wearing his jersey though.

Fuck. I tried to walk past them to get to Dream's but I was stopped by Punz blocking my way and Sapnap grabbing the collar of my shirt from the back.

"Hey rushy rushy, where you off to?" Sapnap said.

"Let go of me." I fought to get his hand off my shirt.

"Oh, but we wanna talk to you," Another boy named Sam joined in.

"Please, just let me go." I just wanted to go. I wanted to sink into the universe and be with Dream right now. He had this weird vibe about him when we were together and weirdly enough...I liked it.

"Oh, so you're resorting to begging now?" Sapnap taunted. A few of them chuckled. "I have a question for you, George, and then you can go tutor him." I hated that they knew my schedule.

I swallowed hard anticipating the question.

"You're not turning him gay, are you?"

I mentally face palmed. "What?"

"You heard me. Are you trying to turn him or not?"

I decided to respond to their question politely instead of arguing that's not how it works. I didn't need to get beat up today. "No, I would never try to turn him gay," I said, walking away smiling thinking about all the times Dream had railed me and sucked me off.

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When I got to his house, Dream opened the door wearing his jersey as I predicted. I smiled, letting him take the lead up to his room as always. On our way up I spotted his parents sitting on the same couch we had fucked on just a couple days ago. I couldn't contain my smile.

I tried to touch Dream when we got in the room, but he blocked my advances. "Let's actually do some tutoring today," he said plopping down on the couch in his room.

I chuckled feeling a bit awkward. "Okay...I mean we have been tutoring. We just go over the one hour slot or cut it a little short." I felt a pang in my chest fearing his answer to my question. "Have you been just using me for sex or are you trying to better yourself with our sessions?"

"No, I-I'm not just using you, George." He looked down and didn't look back up until I told him the football guys mentioned him before I came here.

"Oh...they did?" He sounded a bit confused.

I chuckled. "Yeah they asked if I was turning you gay." I laughed in disbelief at how absurd it was. "Can you believe that?"

I laughed a little harder until I saw Dream looking down again. I thought Dream was gay because, well, everything that's happened in the past week, but many people don't like their sexuality "laughed at." He looked uncomfortable.

"Sorry, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, listen George...I wanted to talk to you about something before school on Monday. I was gonna text you, but you brought it up now so I'll just say it..." he trailed off like he was searching for the words.


He took a deep breath. "I want this - whatever this is - to remain between us. I don't want people knowing about anything we've done - ever." He looked at me awaiting my response.

I pressed my lips together like they were holding back all the questions I wanted to spew out. Instead I asked the one I pretty much knew the answer to. "Wait, are you serious?" He nodded slightly once. I spoke slowly at first but eventually couldn't help myself and went off. "You don't want people knowing about our obviously very intimate relationship? I mean, this is something. This is really something. What are you so afraid of?"

"What do you think?" Dream asked the question like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Are you really so afraid to date a boy that you obviously feel something for or are you too fucking closeted that you can't admit your feelings?" I yelled.

Dream stood up and pulled me up with him, gripping me by the collar as his friends had done just earlier today. "You don't fucking know what I feel! You don't fucking get to tell me what or who I am! This was just a fun way to pass time!" He let go of me and sat back down. "That's it," he spat.

I scoffed. I wanted to make him see my side more clearly, but instead I picked up my backpack and headed towards the door. "Fine."

"Where are you going? We've barely started!"

"You say you're not using me even though you very clearly are. But that's okay with me. I'm okay with being used. I've gotten pretty fucking good at it since sixth grade." I opened the door when Dream tried to protest again, but I cut him off, "And sure, you're right as always. Let's keep it strictly sexual for your pleasure."

With that, I slammed the door and walked home.

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