Part V ~ The Secret Meeting

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TW: mention of sex

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*George's POV*

I looked at my watch as I waited for Dream at the park. I was actually debating not going cause I wasn't sure if I was going to be able ti get out of the house early today but I risked it and snuck out for him and he has the nerve to show up late?? Or maybe not at all. I finally got tired of pacing around and sat down on one of the swings. As soon as I pulled out my phone, I heard his voice call my name from afar.

I turned my head and there he was, walking over to me.

"You're almost a half hour late. School starts in 15 minutes and we're ten minutes away...I was going to leave."

Dream rolled his eyes. "My morning workout ran a little long. It happens sometimes but I wouldn't expect an idiot like you to understand."

I scoffed to hide a small chuckle. "Whatever. What did you want to talk about?"

"Okay, you remember Friday night?"

How could I forget?? Sure some of my memory was lost from that night but a lot of it was slowly coming back to me plus I heard a few stories from Karl. Apparently, I texted them that I made it home safe and they shouldn't worry about me. But I didn't want to say any of that to Dream so I just replied, "Yes, of course."

"Well, I can't believe it happened - especially with you but let's pretend it didn't."

"You're talking about..."

He narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice, and leaned in, "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I said nothing, a little scared of Dream. He could be dangerous and terrifying when he wanted.

"If you tell anyone - anyone at all - I swear to god I will make your life a living hell," He said, grabbing my shirt by its collar.

"You already make my life a living hell..." I mumbled as he turned on his heel.

"Ha ha, very funny," He said, rolling his eyes and turning around.

Does he really not know how shitty he treats me?

"But stop acting like you don't care cause I know you care just a little about your reputation and trust me the bullying I do now is nothing compared to what I'm capable of."

I crossed my arms, feeling a little more confident. "So you admit it?"


"You admit you bully me?"

He scoffed. "We'll, I guess I wouldn't label it as 'bullying.' It's just a fancy word for how I treat you. Plus, you deserve every bit of it." He pushed me down on the ground with just a little flick of his wrist to prove his point further like a kindergarten bully.

I propped myself on my elbows and yelled after him, "You'll never be able to forget that night, Dream!"

"I will be able to!" He called back, turning around just to yell back, "But YOU can't go the whole day without thinking about my dick in your ass!" With that, he turned around for a final time and left me alone in the dirt.

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