Part IV ~ Hangover From Hell

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TW: mention of nudity, sexual activities/lemon, small mention of vomit (once at very end)

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*George's POV*

I held my pounding head as I sat up in a bed that didn't belong to me or anyone I knew. I looked around for Karl or at least Quackity. No one. I don't remember the majority of last night. Actually I don't think I really remember any of it apart from...the last half hour or so? Dream was there. Or maybe I dreamt he was.

The blanket beside me moved and a blond boy turned over to face me. At first I didn't recognize him, but upon closer inspection he was the person I would least expect. He must've sensed me staring because he opened up his eyes slightly, then widened them when he saw me next to him. It was silent for a second then the realization hit us both at the same time and we yelped out in surprise and embarrassment.

I was the first to pull up the sheets all the way up my body. My face must be beet red.

Dream didn't seem too bothered by me being there other than being a little surprised. "Apparently I've seen you naked so there's no need to cover up," he said nonchalantly.

My mouth hung open. "I-how-you're-why-" I sputtered.

"You gonna finish any of those or what?" Dream said. He turned away and slid out of bed. He wasn't wearing anything. I couldn't help but admire his body especially down below. I was careful not to drool.

I closed my mouth and gathered my composure when he put boxers on. "Um, do you know..."

Dream raised both eyebrows. "Yes?"

"I don't remember last night. Or at least I don't remember a lot of it."

Dream chuckled. "First time drinking? Seems about right."

I pressed my lips together. "Do you know..."

"What? Do I know what?" He slipped on a shirt and sat on the bed while he fiddled with his pants.

"Did we ... have sex?" I whispered.

He ripped the sheets away from my body. I desperately tried to cover myself by my hands were too small to cover much of anything. But there I was. Naked. In front of Dream. In front of my bully, but also apparently the person I fucked last night.

"There's your answer," he said. "You're naked and I'm naked. The answer is yes. You sore?"

I flopped on my back and covered my face. I felt like throwing up. Maybe I did have to throw up. Tears gathered in my eyes and my breathing quickened. Why was this so embarrassing to me? Why was I getting so worked up?

"Woah, hey, what's going on?" Dream seemed genuinely concerned. He finished fiddling with his buttons, then sat next to me.

I shook my head. I didn't know. It felt like a panic attack but not exactly. These certain attacks happen when I get overwhelmed about things like this.


I looked up at him. No names. No condescending tone. Nothing.

He grabbed me by the shoulders. "You're okay. What's going on?"

In between breaths I stuttered, "I slept with you..."


I shook my head. I couldn't say what I was thinking. I didn't even know what I was thinking. This was the worst possible thing that could've happened. He's going to tell everyone about this. I'll have to drop out of school to avoid all this. I'll get teased and harassed endlessly.

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