Socks Headcannons ( MY AU! )

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Socks is an orange space man who wears rainbow socks.

Socks is an overworking person. Either Laff, Blaza, Meme, or TBH would find him sleeping at his desk, the couch, the floor, anywhere he works at inside their home.

Socks is a HUGE fan of space, he even dreams of becoming an astronaut sometimes. It's been his dream ever since he learned about space.

Socks is a on-going, joyful, and energetic person.

Socks tends to get ticked off whenever someone says that he's bald.

He believes that Meme's Medical Degree is fake.

Socks is an organized person, if you walk into his bedroom, it will be really neat and clean.

Although he hangs out with all of his friends, Socks mostly hangs out with Blaza, TBH, or Meme.

His hobbies are reading, photography, learning, traveling, and internet surfing.

Socks, along with Meme, have had strict parents when they grew up.

Laff has adopted him since his parents were a little...too strict.

The glass shield of his astronaut helmet, along with what the glass shield connects to, can change colors, representing on how Socks feels. If he's sad, it'll turn blue. If he's mad, then it'll turn red. Here are the colors that represent the emotions of Socks.

Sock's Color Emotions:

Red = Angry

Orange = Normal

Yellow = Happy/Really Happy/Joyful

Green = Disgusted

Blue = Sad

Purple = Afraid

Pink = Love

White = Shocked

Grey = Confused

Black = Really Mad

Back To The Headcannons:

Along with getting ticked off when said that he's bald, Socks tends to go insane and would either attack the person who said it or blow up the place ( He did once when Dream told him that what he said in Hindi was actually said as everyone on youtube now knows him as bald )

He's a cat person and owns a cat.

Out of all of the members of the Socks Gang, Socks is the one who mostly gets triggered several times.

Sometimes, Laff, Blaza, Meme, or TBH would find him awake, working on stuff for hours. They'll tell him to go to sleep, but Socks would refuse and tells them that he needed to get everything done. However, the 4 of them would always take Socks to his bedroom and place him on the bed. Laff would carry him, since he's the tallest out of all of the Sock Gang members. TBH, Blaza, and Meme would just drag Socks from his work.

Socks is mostly the person who does most of the work, the others being Laff and Blaza.

He would hug his cat for comfort whenever he feels under the weather.

His favorite color is orange.

Socks would also sometimes hug his friends for comfort as well.

( More Will Be Added Soon! )

SocksFor1/Socks Gang AU ( I Can't Think Of A Name | TmT )Where stories live. Discover now