Ally Headcannons ( MY AU! )

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Ally Headcannons:

Ally is a girl with rainbow hair.

She is the only female out of the Sock Gang.

She is a HUGE fan of rainbows.

She had a happy family where nothing went wrong...until her mother got into a car accident and was now in a coma. With this, her father started to neglect and hit her. Later, Ally found her father cheating on her mother with another woman. She cried and decided to run away from home. However, she had been caught before she could even make it out the door, but she risked it and ran away with her father and his new wife chasing her. Soon, she bumped into Laff and hid behind him. Laff was confused until he saw her father. Laff put a hand on Ally's shoulder and said that she should go back to her family, however, Ally refused and said that she didn't want to go back with her father and her soon to be stepmother. Laff was more confused and asked why. Then she told Laff what had happened during her life, making him enraged and attacked her father and his new wife. He then called child services on them and left with Ally. Later, Laff took her in and let Oompa adopt her.

She is 1 year younger than her now older brother, Joocie.

She is cousins with the rest of the Sock Gang.

She and Joocie have a strong sibling bond.

Ally is the only person who still remembers her horrible father and stepmother as she grew up.

She and Nadwe get along pretty well.

Her mother is still in a coma, but Ally visits her every day.

Ally mostly attracts attention to males because of her outfit, however, most of them would try to seduce her, as Laff or Joocie had to come in and defend her. Ally makes sure that she isn't wearing something that is too revealing or attracting because of that.

Once, Ally was taking a walk when suddenly she gets kidnapped and trapped in a basement. It was another pervert men who had tied her into a chair. He had cut her all around her body and was so close so seducing her when Laff came in barging through the door with Meme and Joocie. Meme said that he used a tracker that he placed on Ally's bow to find her. Seeing how close the man tried to seduce Ally made Laff rage and turn into L4FF. L4FF fought the heck out of the man while Joocie covered both Meme and Ally's eyes to prevent them from seeing the violence. Laff then took them for ice cream to forget about the situation.

( More Will Be Added Soon! )

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