Nadwe Headcannons ( MY AU! )

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Nadwe Headcannons:

Nadwe is a minor who wears two top hats and a suit.

His favorite color is pink/magenta.

He has a crush on Monika, though Monika is not real.

He has a Monika body pillow.

Nadwe and Muffin hang out a lot.

He and Muffin will sometimes sleep in their friends rooms if they have nightmares.

Since he's still a child, the rest of his friends would protect him and try to keep him away from dangerous things.

Nadwe is secretly a vampire. He got bitten by a bat when he and the others were at a picnic in the woods. He hides it from everyone else, thinking that they'll try to kill him. His eyes will glow red if he's either thirsty for blood or enraged. However, Socks, Muffin, and Meme soon find out, but promised not to tell anyone.

Laff adopted Nadwe because of his parents neglecting him and saying terrible things to him like " worthless ", " ugly ", or " dumb child ". However, Nadwe's parents do abuse him sometimes, like when he gets bad grades. Laff couldn't allow this to happen and took Nadwe away while calling child services on Nadwe's parents.

He would go to Muffin or Laff for comfort. If either Laff, Muffin, or both of them are not home, then Nadwe would find comfort from one of his other friends.

Nadwe can still go out in the sun, but he needs to make sure that each of his body part is covered, so that he doesn't get burned.

He wears black gloves.

Nadwe soon forgot about his biological parents as he grew older.

( More Will Be Added Soon! )

SocksFor1/Socks Gang AU ( I Can't Think Of A Name | TmT )Where stories live. Discover now