Muffin Headcannons ( MY AU! )

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Muffin Headcannons:

Muffin is basically a muffin. ( He'll be a human in my AU )

He is a minor, along with Nadwe.

He likes to eat muffins ( Don't worry, it's not cannibalism since he's not an actual muffin )

His dream job is to work at a bakery.

He and Nadwe hang out a lot.

Muffin gets his goofy behavior from Blaza.

He and Nadwe would sometimes sleep in their friends rooms incase if they have nightmares.

His friends would protect him from anything dangerous.

He lets Nadwe drink his blood, since he learned that Nadwe was a vampire. ( NO MINORS WERE HARMED! )

He would go to Nadwe or Laff for comfort, if neither Laff or Nadwe aren't home, then he'll go to Socks or the others for comfort.

Laff adopted Muffin because his father abuses him. His father wanted him to cook dinner, but Muffin didn't know how. He started cooking since his father threatened him. However, he ends up accidently burning the house down, with his mother trapped inside. The father was angry at him and abused him in the worse way. Soon, Muffin ran into Laff, who was on his way home from selling Laff Loafs. When he saw the injures of the poor boy, Laff demanded Muffin to tell him what happened. When Muffin told him about the incident, Laff was furious. How dare his father hurt a child after an accident. He then rang child services on Muffin's father and adopted Muffin.

He would cheer everyone up for Blaza, even when Blaza also feels down.

Muffin soon forgot his biological father as he grew up.

He still remembers and misses his mother. He would go to her gravestone every day and apologize for what had happened. Though, his deceased mother, who was watching from heaven, did forgive him after the incident had happened.

Muffin hangs out with Blaza if the others are busy.

( More Will Be Added Soon! )

SocksFor1/Socks Gang AU ( I Can't Think Of A Name | TmT )Where stories live. Discover now