Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin ~ Chapter 2

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The weeks were passing by and you've enjoyed spending your time at work or library way more than at home. It felt like it was getting worse day by day. Arguments and fights on daily basis but what was worse your boyfriend Ji-Hoon now dare to lay his hand on you almost daily. You wish you could just pack the things up and leave him but your parents live way too far away from your university and you wouldn't be able to pay the whole rent and scholarship in you'd want to live on your own. Many thoughts ran trough your mind even this day You didn't get to sleep at all last night because Ji-Hoon got drunk and was violent more than usually. You've had to lock yourself up in bathroom and spent the whole night awake sobbing and crying.

Your body felt like soulless shell. You wanted to get out the house so you've decided to go for a walk and go to work earlier than usually. You've walked with your head down, walking trough the leaves on the ground. when you were about to walk up the stairs you accidentally bumped into someone who was just walking down. They didn't manage to notice you as they were distracted scrolling down their phone. You lifted your head, so did the person who you've bumped into. Your cheeks immediately turned red as you've realized who are you looking at. It was Hyunjin who was just leaving from the restaurant you work at. Ever since the day you've been serving him and his friends they were visiting the restaurant regularly. You always did your best to make yourself as much busy with other customers as possible. He always asked for you to serve him and his friends and no matter how much you didn't want to, manager made you serve them many times.

"Hey there! Y/N? What a coincidence to see you again." his friends chuckled and passed by you and Hyunjin.

"Yeah that's really surprising that we've bumped into each other in front of the place I work and and you seem to visit regularly." you've mumbled.

"Heh, yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at you yet he might have noticed that your mood wasn't so cheerful as any other day. No smile, red and tired eyes.

"Though night huh?" he looked down at you "Yeah, kind of." you answered in a low tone.

"May I invite you to a coffee if you have some time left? It might help to survive the day at work." You were standing there, thinking whether you should accept an invite or not.

"Sounds good." you've managed to flash a soft smile to him. His eyes sparkled upon your answer. "There is this great coffee shop down the street. Let's go there." Your head just nodded in response as you didn't said a single thing and followed him. As you were walking down the street you could see Hyunjin walking with his hands in pockets of his leather jacket. He'd be peeking at you as he was walking when he decided to break the embarrassing moment.

"You didn't seem to be this quiet the last time we've met."."Yeah, I have kind of bad mood today." Hyunjin pressed his lips together as he hummed and nodded. You came to the coffee shop. You were surprised but Hyunjin opened the front door to you and let you walk in before him. As you've found the table to sit down he took your coat and placed it on coat hanger. You both sat down, waitress came and took your order.

"So what's going on?" Hyunjin asked you. You looked at him

"What do you mean? Nothing." you've said. "Look Y/N. I could see a couple days ago that you're really good at your job, but I can also see that covering up bruises is not really a thing you can do well." you froze and when you looked at him could see him being really serious about what he said.

You laughed nervously. "Stop joking around, this is really not funny." you said as you've fixed your long sleeves. He raised his eyebrow "Who did that to you?" he didn't gave p on the topic he started with.

"Hyunjin stop it. For real." He said absolutely nothing as you saw him rolling up his sleeves and clearly started pointing on his body at the exact spots on your arms where your bruises are. He pointed out several spots and he ended up pointing at the back of his neck. You sat there shook, not knowing whats just happening and subconsciously touched the back of your neck when you realized that you might have hit that spot yesterday when you fought with Ji-Hoon.

"Let me help you." Hyunjin said with low voice. You wanted to cry, scream, yell. You stood up, grabbed your coat and ran outside the coffee shop. Hyunjin just  leaned back and watched you leave him there.

You were really upset, you wiped down your tears and took a deep breath. You hated him for what he has done but you hated yourself more for letting Ji-Hoon do ir all to you. For being too weak to leave him. For being scared. You exhaled and were about to do a step forward to leave when you've felt hand on your shoulder. Looking over your shoulder you see Hyunjin handing you the coffee. You took it and left without a word.

Hyunjin's POV

As the girl left Hyunjin drove to his office. He let his body drop down to his chair when someone knocked the door. "Hyunjin?" Someone's head peeked in. "Come in Changbin." Hyunjin motioned with his hand to him to enter his office.

"I came to tell you that we've got all the information you've asked us for." "Sit down. I'm listening." Chanbing sat down as he and placed the file with the information before he spoke out. "His name is Park Ji-Hoon. They've been together for over a two years. A least that's what her co-workers mentioned. They live together and she's studying at university. Now what's interesting is that this Ji-Hoon is son of Deputy police chief Park Il-Seong." Hyunjin sat up as this information caught his attention.

He chuckled "So son of Deputy police chef is beating up his girlfriend. Interesting."

"Boss you should let it go, we don't really need to get involved with police, especially now." Changbin said. "I know Changbin. I know." Hyunjin sighed. As soon as Changbin left his office Hyunjin leaned back and stared blankly to the ceiling. "Only if you wouldn't be his fucking stubborn Ahn Y/N."

He grabbed the keys from his car and left the office. Walking down the hallway his friends stepped out of their offices and walked to the parking lot door. The eight males separated into two cars, four in each. The first car was one Hyunjn was in. It was driven by Chan. He was Hyunjin's other hand. They were so close that they considered each others as brothers. Along with them there was Changbin and Seungmin in the car. The second car was driven by Minho. The other passengers were Han, Felix and Jeongin. The cars took the turn to left when their arrived to their final destination. The engine of both cars went silent. "Looks like we are a bit late." Hyunjin said as he saw car lights in close distance. Then he fixed his coat and went out of the car. All the boys gathered close the first car looking forward Chan. "As usually stay alerted make sure your guns are loaded."

"This should be a quick and quiet business." Hyunjin spoke out as he walked towards the car lights.  Chan nodded in signal to boys so did they to Chan before they walked and followed Hyunjin who was just walking, calm and unbothered.

Hwang Hyunjin. A wide known name in many "dark" parts of the world. A young, ambitious, unusually charming businessman. The owner of many clubs and a company that provided you with financial support and protection for a "smaller" fee. But on the other hand was it for the protection when they could be the ones who'd hurt you in first place? Hyunjin was the last person you wanted to owe the money to yet even people on higher places reached out for him what ensured him being untouchable by the justice. Him and his men were considered as an exclusive, dominating group.

He was king of illegal trades and money laundering in whole Korea.

As Hyunjin expected the business was quick indeed. But not so quiet. As boys reached their cars they put the stuff in the trunks of the cars. All of them cleaned up their hands from the blood, changed their coats, entered the cars and drove back to the office. The way back was quiet and oone spoke the whole time. "Chan please can you drive me over to my place?" Hyunjin asked he was looking out of the window. His eyes catching the night lights. Chan nodded and  as he dropped boys in the office he drove the way to Hyunjin's apartment.

Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin imagineWhere stories live. Discover now