Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin ~ Chapter 4

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Ji-Hoon banging onto the door repeatedly. Time skipping slower than before. Did Hyunjin read your message? Is he going to help you as he offered or was he just playing some kind of game? You've had so many questions in your head going on while you've stared at the door that was always protecting you from Ji-Hoon. But will they keep up with all the pressure? You could see the light from the bedroom sinking into the dark bathroom more and more with every time Ji-Hoon's body hit them with his body trying to get in. How long will they last?

"You're not going to get away from this you little slut!" he screamed before his body did hit the door strongly enough to force them open. He was there. Standing in front of you with his disgusting smirk and knife in his hand.

You cried out loud, screamed. He kneels down to you and hit your face. As your body completely reached the cold floor he looked satisfied enough. You were to weak to fight against him. You gave up. You want to let him to finish what he wants and then he'll leave you alone.

"Why?" the only question left your mouth.

"Because I can. Because you're my toy Y/N. That's all what you are in this relationship." he said as his gaze traveled all over your body.

"Is this what you do to a person you love?" you looked at him with emotionless expression.

He laughed out loud and the knife he was holding in his hand traced your inner thigh cutting the top of your skin. "Oh my dear. How pathetic of you Y/N." he said and moved the knife to the side of your face. The blade of the knife slid down your face leaving the open bleeding wound when he said "Love? Hahahaha the love is long gone."

"And so is my patience you motherfucker." a familiar voice to you suddenly spoke out.

It was Hyunjin who entered the bathroom and as Ji-Hoon looked his way Hyunjin's fist met Ji-Hoons face. He fell to the side and Hyunjin held your hand making you stand up quickly. Chan who was right behind Hyunjin grabbed you by your hand and pulled you out from the bathroom before anything else could happen to you.

"Take her to the car. I still have some unfinished business here." Hyunijn said with a peaceful voice before he knees down on top of Ji-Hoons body. 

Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin imagineWhere stories live. Discover now