Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin ~ Final chapter

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A car parked in the middle of nowhere. Seven men standing around it. A two people inside the car. Hose leading from the car exhaust to the window. Firmly attached without the possibility of drilling it off. Ji-Hoon tied to the driver's seat, slowly regaining consciousness. Hyunjin sitting in the back seat directly behind him with a gas mask placed on his thigh.
As soon as Ji-Hoon recovered he noticed people standing in front of the car. His eyes could see Chan in the middle. Felix, Changbin, Seungmin on his left, Minho, Han, Jeongin on his right. Ji-Hoon panicked when he saw Chan rising up his hand holding the car keys. But still someone was missing.

"Looking for me motherfucker?" Hyunjin spoke from the back seat which made Ji-Hoon freak out.

He couldn't do anything. He was drugged. Fully conscious but unable to move or speak.

"You know fear that is in you makes the drug even more stronger." he leaned forward and whispered to him.

 "Let's say after hearing what you've said, I lost my patience. And you're finally getting what you ask for. I get the revenge and you get the karma." Hyunjin scoffed.

Ji-Hoon whined and Hyunjin got suddenly furious and held him by his neck.

"You know I was ready to shoot you the day you got out from the court. I felt so useless, powerless that I couldn't get you to the jail for killing someone I loved the most in my life. Y/N was my everything. But you know what?" He started to laugh like a maniac.

"I think this is going to be much more fun than just drill a bullet trough your head. Don't forget to breath Ji-Hoonie." Hyunjin patted his shoulder and put on the gas mask which was a signal for Chan to turn on the car engine.

Hyunjin leaned back and watched exhaust gas fill the car. He then closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of Ji-Hoon trying to scream for life. Three minutes later he was quiet. Hyunjin took Ji-Hoon's phone. Turned it on, dialed up his father's number and placed the phone on passenger seat.

"Ji-Hoon? Son? Where are you? Son?" male voice could be heard trough the phone.

Hyunjin opened the car and went out from it. He took off the mask he breathed in the fresh air, walked up to the cars with boys.

"Now let's go to Y/N's parents. I've got to show them something." Hyunjin said and sat in the car.

He took out a paper and looked at it with a smile.

"Hwang Y/N. How beautiful does it sounds Y/N?" he said quietly and folded back the marriage certificate and rested his head againt the window. 

Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin imagineWhere stories live. Discover now