Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin ~ Chapter 8

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After a few hours spent with your parents, Hyunjin and boys went to their safehouse. Cars parked in front of the place and everyone entered the building. Hyunjin wanted to go straight to the basement. Han walked down the stairs being followed by Chan and Hyunjin right behind him. Han unlocked and opened the door and let Chan with Hyunjin in as Chan turned on the lights.

Right there in the middle of the basement sat Ji-Hoon tied up to a chair, bleeding, beaten up still seemed unconscious. Hyunjin came up to him and Chan handed him the bucket of water. He being unbothered poured it over his head and thew bucket away. Ji-Hoon whined and apparently gained consciousness. Hyunjin grabbed him by his hair and lifted his head up.

"Not so brave right now hmmh?" Hyunjin spoke to him.

"Let me go." Ji-Hoon managed to say few torn apart words.

Hyunjin looked at Han and Chan and motioned them to leave.

"You sure?" Chan asked.

"Go." Hyunjin answered.

As Hyunjin's fist let Ji-Hoon's hair his hand swung and landed on his face instead. The chair fell down to the side and Hyunjin immediately reached out for it to stand it up. Then he again hit his face and the char fell down. Then again and again. Ji-Hoon spitting blood he shutters.

"Just finish me already."

Hyunjin scoffed.

"You've tortured Y/N several months and you think I'll just put a gun to your head and end your pathetic life? No. No way." he smirked.

"Then what? Will you keep me in this shit hole for months? Will you beat me up over again and again? You want to hear me to beg for my life just as Y/N begged me?" he looked at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin clenched his fists when he talked about you.

"She was mine and mine only. And you dared to lay your filthy hands on her. Washed out her brain. Took her away from me. If you wouldn't keep her locked up she'd come back to me. She always did. I couldn't handle to see her with you. She screamed your name so many times oh it made me so furious but God I was satisfied when you weren't there able to help her. And the fact that you taught her how to fight back ... it honestly turned me on all the time when she hit me. But when she had no more strength and just lied down and let me do anything to her ... mmmh even better."

Those things were last drops of Hyunjin's patience. He took out the gun and loaded it. The gun landed on Ji-Hoon's forehead.

"Die you motherfucker!" Hyunjin screamed when Chan busted in and disarmed him.

"Stick to the plan Hyunjin and calm the fuck down." he yelled at Hyunjin as Han and Changbin were dragging him away.

Hyunjin managed to escape and managed to kick Ji-Hoon face with his feet so the chair fell back and Ji-Hoon screamed in pain yet laughed. Boys took Hyunjin out from the basement and closed the door behind, leaving Chan there.

"Dear Ji-Hoon you can't even imagine what have you done." Chan said as he held the gun.

"Who are you to say this. You have nothing to do with this." he just lied down.

"You killed someone who meant a lot for that boy. For all of us here. We mourned for so long, we still do. You killed someone who was part of our team. Our family. And oh boy... we do take a revenge when someone hurts one from ours." Chan said as he placed his feet onto the chair and effortlessly made it stand up with just one leg.

"Am I supposed to be scared." Ji-Hoon looked at Chan.

"You better be cause you're going to have some time alone with Felix when you wake up." Chan whispered as he smashed the gun against his head making Ji-Hoon unconscious. 

Revenge ~ Hwang Hyunjin imagineWhere stories live. Discover now