Chapter 4

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"Taylor, do you think you could change my train ticket for Monday instead of Saturday? Or I can pay for it myself if it isn't possible."

"Why would you want to do that?" she asks, her eyes on her laptop.

"I just... I...."

"Wait, wait, wait. You are staying in Manchester for the weekend? With him? With Rúben?"

"I am not staying with him. I'm staying at a hotel."

"But you are staying to be with him."

"Since United's game is on Saturday, and they are playing on Sunday and it is his first game of the season, he asked me if I wanted to go."

"And you said yes. Of course you said yes!" Taylor says, clapping he hands with excitement. "I'll get you that train ticket for Monday, but you must promise to tell me every single detail about your weekend. Like, everything. You owe it to me for not telling me that you went on a date two weeks ago."

"Will you ever forgive me for that?"

"I don't think so. I'll probably remind you of it on my speech at your wedding with Rúben."

"Taylor..." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Your fault" she smirks.


"Do you know what are you wearing tomorrow? Did he get you his shirt?"

"Yes, I know. No, he didn't."

"What if he had?"

"Then I would not wear it. I want to go as unnoticed as I can."

"A young woman wearing a Dias shirt isn't weird, you know?"

"I don't care" I say. We are outside Old Trafford, waiting for our cars. One to take Taylor back to the train station, and another to take me to my hotel.

"Wait, before I forget. Take this."

"What... Taylor!" I say, seeing the little envelope on my hand.

"It's just in case! He doesn't look like the type of guy who goes unprepared, but you never know. And better be safe than sorry."

"Taylor, we are not... You know" I whisper, my cheeks getting warm.

"Says the person who two months ago didn't know who Rúben Dias was, and now spends her free time checking his photos and gifs on Tumblr."

"I don't do that!" I say, my face now burning.

"Yes, you do. Remember the other day when I asked you if I could borrow your phone because I couldn't find mine? You had left Tumblr open, and it was the first thing I saw when I unlocked it. And since you were too busy on your laptop and not paying attention, I did some lurking."

"Remind me to change my password."

"Hey, there is nothing wrong about it. He is hot, he knows it, and gives the people what the people want" she shrugs. And to be honest, she isn't wrong. His Instagram is thirst trap after thirst trap. He is the one sharing that content and asking for the likes.



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