Chapter 12

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After a very busy day at work, I decide to go back home walking. It's a glorious day, and maybe the fresh air will help with the headache I feel coming.

I'm lost in the song I'm listening to when I see that someone is calling me on Facetime. Rúben.

"Hello there, feio"

"Hello, meu amor" he says. "Still haven't found another word in Portuguese you would like to call me?"

"Nope. Feio is pretty accurate. Because you are so ugly. So hard to look at. Disgusting."

"Thank you" he laughs. Though it is a bit of a sad laugh.

"Oh, shit, the tests! How did they go? Is it a serious injury?"

"I'm out for the rest of the season."


"Yeah. First what happened in Madrid, and now this. What a way to end the season..." he says with a big sigh.

"I'm so sorry, Rúben. But hey, you can still win the Premier. If you don't fuck it up like your neighbours have done, of course."

"They make you suffer a lot, don't they?"

"More than you can imagine... Wait. No. Shit."

"Gotcha!" he laughs. This time it isn't a sad laugh, so even if he now knows my secret, it was worth it.

"How did you find out? Ivan?"


"That little bastard... Sorry."

"I've called him worse, don't worry." And another happy laugh, one that makes me feel all fuzzy inside. "But is this why you haven't showed me your room yet? Do you have it covered on photos of Cristiano or something?"

"Eww, no" I say, definitely way too fast and without realizing that he also plays for Portugal. Like Rúben. "Wait, sorry. He probably is your friend."

"Hey, to each their own. I respect it."

"Thank you. But sorry."

"Who do you have on your room, then? De Gea?"

"McTominay. One of those posters as big as they actually are in real life" I say, trying to sound and look as serious as possible.

"So you are into tough guys, uh?" he smirks.

"Maybe" I shrug.

"Now that I'm gonna have some free time, I can go visit you. And maybe stay for the night and see that poster in person?"

"You are not ready for it."

"I promise I won't wake up in the middle of the night wanting to punch him."

"Ok, good" I laugh.


A few days later, Rúben does as he said and comes to London to stay with me. He and Paul come pick me up after work, our dinning spot a surprise.

"But are you sure I'm properly dressed for it?" I ask him for like the millionth time since we met.

"Yes, you are. Trust me" he smiles.

Ten minutes later, Paul stops the car.

"Enjoy the night, lovebirds" he says.

"Thank you" I reply.

"I know you are scared of heights" Rúben says when leave the car. "But I promise you'll be fine."

"Wait, where are we going?"

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