Chapter 10

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"Happy birthday!" everyone screams when I walk into the office.

"Oh my God!" I say, totally caught by surprise.

"Thought we wouldn't remember?" Taylor says, coming to give me a hug.

"You? Never. Not that sure about the others."

"Taylor has been sending us messages about it for a week" Charlie says, also giving me a hug. "It was impossible to forget about it."

"Thank you, everyone."

While we are eating the cake they got me, a messenger carrying a huge bouquet of flowers arrives.

"I think those are for you" Taylor says. And she is not wrong.

Happy birthday, meu amor. Wish I could be there with you

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After work I meet with some uni friends to have some drinks, and later with Taylor, Charlie and Rebeca to have dinner at our place.

"Oh, that must be your other present!" Taylor says when someone rings the bell.

"Other present?"

"Yes, we got you something else. Wait there" she says as she moves to answer the door. "Yep, that's your present. Turn around."


"Just turn around" Rebecca says. "It has to be a surprise, you can't see it coming through the door."

"Fine" I say, doing as they are asking. "Do you know what it is?" I ask Charlie.

"My lips are sealed."

A few seconds later, someone knocks on the door.

"Don't you dare turn around!" Taylor warns me.

"I won't, I promise."

She opens the door, and I hear someone coming in. Whoever this person is, they are now standing right behind me, I can smell their perfume. The perfume. I've smelled that perfume before. But it can't be.

"Rúben?" I say, turning around.

"Happy birthday, meu amor" he says, grabbing me by the waist and kissing me.

"What... What are you doing here? I thought you had training and couldn't come" I say, our lips still very close.

"I had to train in the morning, and may have said a little lie about the afternoon session" he says with that smile, the Simone Biles one, and I can't help but kiss him again.

"Ok, ok. You can keep doing that later when we are gone" Taylor says, reminding me that she, Rebecca and Charlie also are in the room. "Let's eat, shall we? I'm sure Rúben is starving."

"I actually am, yes."


"Are you sure you have to leave?" I say, holding to Rúben with one of my koala hugs.

"I'm afraid I have to. I already asked your friend Pep to allow me to come today. If I ask him to stay a little bit longer, I won't play this weekend."

"Fine, fine" I say, still hugging him.

"But you are coming to Manchester in just a few days, remember? I've already planned what we are going to do."

"Should I pack something special?"

"We aren't going out for dinner, the heels can stay here. But a nice dress would be welcomed."

"Maybe that one you like so much?" I smirk.

Meu AmorWhere stories live. Discover now