Chapter 20

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A couple of weeks after the meeting with my boss, we got news from Rúben's lawyers. Hugo was indeed the one who sold the photos to the Daily Mail, though the fact that he hadn't showed up at the office since the article was published, already said it all. At first he said he was sick and he was given the benefit of the doubt, but after a month... The lawyers suggested that we could sue him for everything he did, for sharing private photos and information. But we didn't. "He isn't worth it" I told Rúben.

Hugo ended up being fired from Sky, and he was warned by our lawyers that, if he tried to do anything against us again, via social media or in person, this time we would go after him and he could even end up in jail.

At work things didn't change now that everyone knew about me and Rúben. At the stadiums, no one said anything to me, not the fans or my co-workers. At the office, some girls kept telling me how lucky I was, and the day Rúben actually came to pick me up, it was a bit chaotic. He spent half an hour taking photos with everyone and signing autographs, but he handled it all graciously, being super nice with everyone while I just stayed next to him, awkwardly smiling at everyone and not knowing what to do with myself.

Taylor discovered that she actually loved being a mum, and she is thinking about extending her maternity leave and take a break from work. "I know that if I do it," she said one day "I'll be leaving it all on the best hands. Yours."

And Rúben and I? We are better than ever, the whole world knowing that we are together not affecting us in any shape or form. We keep doing the same, going to the same places, enjoying the same things. And each day, I feel like I'm falling more in love with him. With that handsome guy who got into our set before a live, and who I didn't recognized when I first met him. The same guy who is about to win the Premier League. Again.

This year things have been as tight as the previous one, the winner being decided on the last game of the season. And yet again, my bosses have allowed me to be the one reporting from Manchester.

"Should we start worrying about you maybe ending up supporting City instead of United?" Mark asks me while we get everything ready. "You are spending more time here than at Old Trafford. And you want them to win."

"That will never happen. I only want City to win because that means Rúben wins. I support one of their players, not the team or the club."

"Dinners with the team must be interesting" he laughs.

"We aren't allowed to talk about football. And they know that if we did, it would be pointless. I would win all the arguments just by mentioning our trophies room."


The game is a chill one, City easily winning it. After they receive the trophy and most interviews are done, is time to say goodbye and until the next season to everyone watching us at home. While I'm doing my little speech, one of the main commentators interrupts me.

"I'm sorry, but I think you better wrap it up. Looks like someone is waiting for you to join the celebrations."

"Me?" I ask.

"Behind you."

And when I turn around... Rúben. He is looking all innocent with his arms behind his back, a big smile on his face. The smile of someone who just won another Premier League, and of someone who knows that he is embarrassing his girlfriend in front of the whole country, and probably part of Europe, Asia and America too.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt" he says, giving me his most charming smile and making me blush. Will this ever stop happening? I don't think so.

"He is not interrupting!" one of the commentators says. "What if we have a quick post-match interview? Give him one of your headphones."

"They want to talk with you" I whisper.

"Ok" he says, picking the headphone I'm offering him.

"Thank you very much for talking to us, Rúben" the commentator says when they are done with the interview. "And congratulations."

"Thank you" he says. "May I take her with me now?"

"She's all yours. Enjoy, guys."


"I can't believe that just happened" I say to Rúben while we walk around the pitch, his hand around my waist.

"You work with really nice people."

"Nice" I snort. "They ambushed me. With your help. And all of it happened on live tv, for the whole world to see."

"The whole world already knows we are together."

"I know. But my boss told me that they liked that I was able to keep it all professional, not mixing my job with my personal life. And I just did that."

"They aren't going to fire you for this. You had basically already finished working for the season, and you got them an extra interview with Manchester City's captain. So relax and enjoy the rest of the day" he says, kissing my head.

"That's easier said than done" I pout. A minute later, I hear my phone ping.

"Who is it?" Rúben asks.

"My boss."

"Is she firing you?" he says, teasing me.

"Idiot" I say, trying to push him with my hip but only managing to make him laugh and hurting myself a bit. "She says: stop freaking out and enjoy today and your holidays. You deserve it. See you during the pre-season."

"She knows you well."

"She does" I sigh.

"But see? Nothing to worry about. Or almost nothing" he says, stopping and grabbing my waist with both hands, making me look at him. "Jack is coming towards us."

"Can we run away?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Then what do we do?"

"For now, I'm gonna kiss you. Maybe that will make him go bother someone else."

"And if he doesn't leave us alone?" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Then I'll keep kissing you and ignoring him until he leaves."

"Sounds like a great plan."

"I know" he says, pulling me closer to him with those big arms of his I will never get tired of. "I love you, meu amor."

"I love you too" I say, kissing him, finally letting go of all my worries and insecurities, not caring about the fact that I'm in the middle of the Etihad, fans and cameras surrounding me, while kissing the man I love. It's just us. Just me and Rúben.

━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━

And we've made it to the end! Thank you very much for reading and supporting this story, it means a lot! 💜

More Rúben hopefully coming soon 😁

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