Aga's Eyes

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Those eyes just kept staring at me.

It was only a night light. I knew that. But I couldn't help feeling that there was something more going on. My sister Alexia, who gave my daughter that monstrosity for her birthday, had an eccentric bent of mind. She should never have told Melody that horrible fairy tale about night dragons.

"Mellie," she told the nine-year-old birthday girl, who was curled up on her lap, gazing adoringly at her favourite Auntie, "Mellie, this is not just a light. It's a talisman. It will keep you safe. Whenever you are planning to spend the night away from home, bring it with you."

"I will, Auntie Lex." Melody cuddled closer. "I promise."

Melody and that ... MONSTROUS THING ... became inseparable. At first, she just took it to sleepovers, but it was only a matter of months until she always had it with her, day and night.

When I told her, as gently as I could, that it might not be appropriate to take a night light to school, all of Melody's defenses went on red alert. "I have to. Aga keeps me safe."

"Aga? You named it?"

"Aga told me. It's a good name, neither male nor female."

"A nightlight is a harmless fetish," my husband David reassured me. "There are many worse things she could be attached to. Wait until she hits puberty. She'll forget all about it."

Puberty came, but Aga did not disappear. If anything, Aga's influence was increasing. Melody claimed that Aga helped her in multitude of ways. Aga was the reason that she was the school chess champion and second in her class. Aga would make sure she was the homecoming queen when it was time for graduation.

When Melody turned Sweet Sixteen, I decided that the time had come to put away childish things. One way or another, Aga had to go.

Melody was slow to settle down after her birthday party. It was after midnight before I thought it was safe to tiptoe into her bedroom.

Those eyes, those damn eyes, were staring at me. What kind of eyes were they, anyway? Cat eyes, dragon eyes, lizard eyes ... something demonic?

Just to be safe, I crossed myself before pulling the light out of the socket.

The light did not go out. The eyes just kept staring. I had been planning to throw the accursed thing into the dumpster, but I couldn't move.

A voice stirred in my brain. "Don't be afraid. I will protect you."

Melody won't speak to me anymore. I told her I had no idea what happened to Aga, but she sees right through me. I know that she knows that Aga is hidden in a pouch in my cleavage, encouraging me, counseling me.

I know it sounds insane, but I would never have gotten my promotion without Aga. I would not have known what numbers to choose for the big jackpot. I would never have met Stewart, the love of my life. And Melody would still be an only child with no hope of a sibling. The doctors all said it was impossible, but I'm pregnant.

Aga says the baby will be no ordinary child. I can hardly wait.

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