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Hello! I know I finished this book around January, but I've been working on my writing skills, and I have edited this story into a single oneshot for ao3. I've changed some things about it like Serenity's age, and I've filled in some plot holes that needed to be filled! It's posted over there under 17VanillaBean and is called DadInnit, so if you want to check it out or my other in-progress works then you know where to find them. I have also decided to post the edited oneshot version here as an extra thank you for all the support I've gotten on the book! It's 5,605 words and I've spent a couple of hours on it so if you want to vote for it, that would be appreciated. Thank you again for all the support, and make sure you eat or drink today, I hope you have a great day :) -Bean

Tommy sat on the stairs as Phil, Techno, and Will all ate dinner. None of them noticed he wasn't sitting in his seat, he hadn't gotten food, and no one noticed he wasn't even there. He sighed and pushed himself off of the stairs and into his room. He was going to leave. It was all about Techno and Wilbur. He was so done with being forgotten. He was just a child to them. He was someone they could bully and hurt because he was loud and obnoxious. Yet they only paid attention to him when he did something wrong or made a mistake. Not when he got all A's on his report card, not when he stood up to a bully hurting his friend, not when he did anything good. They only paid attention when he accidentally ripped Will's hoodie or borrowed one of Techno's books without asking. He sat on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He said to himself "they wouldn't care if I left " and he got up and started packing a bag.


Tommy opened his window. He grabbed the bag he had packed earlier. He threw the bag out of the second-story window onto the hammock and climbed onto the tree branch next to his window. He shimmied down the tree into their yard, grabbed his bag, and ran. When he got to the edge of their yard, he jumped the fence and ran into the woods. Tommy ran for miles and only stopped to get a quick drink of water from his water bottle. He followed a path out of their town into a lush, green, flower field that he recognized from when he used to hang out with Tubbo and Ranboo before they got married. Now Tubbo and Ranboo were too busy with their piglin son Michael to spend time with Tommy. Tubbo and Ranboo used to be the only ones who looked out for Tommy, then they left too. Tommy pushed these thoughts from his mind and kept running.

Technoblade POV (SORTA)

Techno felt bad. Tommy didn't come down to dinner, and Phil, Will, and Techno didn't notice until about 10 minutes into the meal. Techno decided he would check on Tommy after dinner but Phil asked Will and Techno if they wanted to watch a movie. Techno decided that he would watch the movie and THEN go check on Tommy. It's not like Tommy was going anywhere. Will wanted to watch Hamilton and Techno and Phil agreed. It didn't dawn on any of them that Tommy may have wanted to watch Hamilton with them as it was his favorite movie. Halfway through the movie, Techno started to get tired. He fell asleep on the couch between Will and Phil. Will eventually fell asleep too while Phil stayed on the couch with them and eventually nodded off himself. When Techno woke up it was 12:34. He remembered he wanted to check on Tommy, so he went to Tommy's room and knocked on his door. Weirdly enough there was no answer, so Techno pushed Tommy's door open and saw it was empty. He walked down the stairs and woke up Phil and Will and told them that Tommy wasn't in his room. "That's weird," Phil said. And indeed it was. Tommy never came downstairs and should be asleep. Will ran up to Tommy's room and saw a note on his bed that Techno had missed when he checked the room first. He grabbed it and ran downstairs and read it aloud.

"Hello anyone who this may concern,

I'm not normally this blunt, but I feel this is important to say.

DadinnitUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum