10: Plans

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"Baby~, have you finished all your requirements?" My sister asked. I rummaged through my backpack and grabbed the rolled paper files. Giggling, I answer her.

"yup, I just did" I smiled in excitement. Yey! Were gonna be reunited in one month time, though it's still long. I'm really excited.

"thank goodness your long lost ..rich mother, who owns all your establishment made me a business manager that pays $50k a MONTH!" she says in exaggeration. Also eager to touch and spend all those money.

"Wait..oh my GloB! You're getting a 'real' salary?!" I realized.

"yup~, after all those years of..kinda...depending on your mom" she scratches her nape and nods. "yes I am~"

I giggled and joined her as she bounced up and down. After that sort of celebration. I quickly climbed up to my room and popped open my laptop. Signing in and quickly called him through video chat. It was ringing but it took some time before I heard a click. And his face gradually shows up, making me smile.

"hey" he greets with his cheeky smile, his hair damp and a towel hangs in his nape covering his bare chest. A sign that he just took a bath. He ran his slender fingers in his slick hair and some stray strand still dangled in his face. The sight just made my cheeks hot and enough to make me feel slightly embarrassed. He's totally cute~ I tell ya.

" heey~" I greeted back. "how was the arcade?" I managed to say, trying to keep myself calm as I muttered every word.

"Hmm...it was great" a smile forming on his lip. His eyes telling me that he had a great time with his new friends which made me smile all the way, knowing that it was him, he'd find someone to get along with that easily.

"Had fun didn't ya? I can see it all over your face" I say leaning on the bed.

"yeah, I sure did....hey, uhh...I can't stay much longer. A classmate just invited me for dinner" he explains wiping his jet black hair in haste

"Really?..but you'll call me back, right?" I ask, slightly disappointed in the short conversation.

"I will...as soon as I get back" I smile as he speak with candor. "gotta go" he smiled as he hung up. Never got the chance to tell him. I laughed, maybe next time then....or maybe we'll just surprise him.


"Maui fried rice, this is a much better result than my previous attempts....practice really makes things perfect". Marceline said as she put down the plates on the table, sitting on the chair across mine. But then stood up and walked towards the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge fishing out something and went back holding two bottles on her hands.

I stared at the fried rice in front of me. 'What have I gotten myself into' It looks soooo...... impossible to eat. The egg wrap was somehow scattered and broken. While the rice...a little burnt on some sides. Whoa...ahaha, pretty perfect fried rice she got here. Is she trying to kill me!?

"An appalling, burnt fried rice" I frankly discriminate her food while chuckling.

"yeah....just eat it" she demanded pointing me her fork defensively. "It's not like you'd die eating it" she rolled her eyes

"Your lacking hospitality you know....so, what...is this?" I scrutinize the food as I played with it, picking up some unknown spices with my fork and smelled it. Inspecting every single thing on my plate.

"Stop that!" she raised her voice, slapping my hand as she handed me a ketchup bottle. "Now, write something in it" she smiled, writing something in her fried rice as well. Figure of eight was what she wrote. While me a... grinning face.

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