5: whoa...

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After our class in Chemistry, we have a 20-minute break before lunch. Cool right?, we have less subjects at the morning and all other are piled up in the afternoon. The three of us split up and had our own way, just for today..maybe. Finn just have to visit Flamma in the student council room and Bonnibel..I don't know actually. I just remembered....ugh!!! Why does she have to invite him for lunch?! Like he'll go anyway. I walked pass the cafeteria and to our hideout at the back of the gym, climbing the big maple tree and getting as high as I could. I positioned myself on the big branch where I would normally sit, hanging my bag in some sturdy branch and plugging my earphones on.


I groaned awake as soon as I felt some presence just below me. I hastily opened my eyes....gosh!! What time is it? 12:07...thank goodness I can still eat, and, where the hell are those two?. Maybe they're already in the cafeteria?..I grabbed my bag, putting my phone inside it and slinging it at my back. I started to climb down, slowly and carefully. Then my eyes grew wide when I spotted a jet-black hair just below me. I almost gave out a yelp when I saw who it was----Mr. Pretty boy... ..How am I supposed to get down now? I don't want him to see me..I don't know, but, not now. Huh! Like were close or something!. I climbed back up and I get into a comfortable spot. My eyes started to drift to a close and I start to fall asleep again until something startled me.

"hey.." I heard a 'guy' say. I looked around, finding Marshall just a branch away from where I am. I started to shudder heavily but luckily, I was able to balance myself.

"what are you doing here?!" I asked him as calm and serious as I could. But deep inside, I'm kinda infatuated and nervous at the same time. I shook those emotions away, and looked at him.

"what are you, doing here?" he returned my question. His stares intent that I could feel boring straight through me. Why should I explain myself to you?

"this place is where we hangout!" I said, emphasizing the 'we'. And he gave me a chuckle in response.

"so I'm not welcome here?" he asks twitching his lip for a smirk as he leans on a stray branch in front of him.

"as much as I don't want you here..but yes, you must, go"

"nah!~, let me stay for awhile" he said whimsicaly ..fine!.

"only 'for awhile'..get it..." I said, my voice trailing. He nodded and I turned away a little. After some moments, without talking or even glancing at each other. I let myself lean on this sturdy branch, my foot dangling down in the air and..with that guy on my side in silence, it just became too much for me to handle.

"so..." I mumbled, and something just lumped up in my throat. Making me unable to speak. Why did I even have to do that?

"hmm?" he hummed, urging me to say something.

"so, shouldn't you be going?" I asked him with a brow raised. He gave me a look of disagreement and that fumed me up, pissed off and blood just shoot up my veins. Okay...I'm done with him. I climbed down wanting to get away from him.

"where are you going?" he asked

"um..I'm basically going to avoid you because of your troublesome attitude" I said frankly. He stopped me by the shoulder. Without me knowing, I stepped on a small brittle branch of the tree causing me to slip and fall. It's still high up here, so it'll take seconds before I crash on the ground. This'll really break my bones into pieces...thinking about that, I grabbed my bag tightly, shutting my eyes close. Just moments later, I noticed I haven't been knocked unconscious nor my body even ached. But of course I fell into something. I slowly opened my eyes. Wait...h-him?

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