3: What are you?..a stalker?!

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Why does she have to be rude?!. I don't even know her name, yet she already targeted me. Huh! you think I didn't heard all that whispering of yours?!. Think before you move or you'll also be targeted. I just ignored all that blabbering of hers, plugged my earphones back and leaned on the window. I can see the school from here, looks kinda big and fancy. The bus screeched as we reached the school, all of them rushed out of the bus. I waited until all of them are gone before I hid my phone inside my bag and left.

I headed inside getting stares..again, I turned my attention to the floor, trying to avoid them. Is it because of my pale colored skin? because I'm new? or maybe I'm just too handsome that they can't resist staring? those thoughts played on my mind..as I said, I don't feel like wanting the stares right now, yet I'm grinning here like a weirdo. I shook of the smile that was pasted in my face and continued to walk towards the main office to get my schedule and my lockers number.

"How may I help you?" a lady asked vapidly, still focused on some papers that was piled on the table.

"My name is Marshall lee Abendeer, a new student. I need my schedule and my lockers number" I say directly and she smiled at me. She opened a drawer, fishing for something.

"Your locker number is 343..welcome to Southern high" she says more gleefully now, as she handed me a small black folder with an imprinted school logo and my name initials on the top. I just smiled at her and went on my way. I reached my locker '343' and left some books and notebooks..that's all I can put up for now. I entered the combination, locking it. But before I could leave, I heard a lot of screaming along the corridor, the screams that I normally get at ADHigh.

Out of mere curiosity, "Who are those guys?" I asked the girl on my right side. She looked both sides, pointing at herself.

"me?" she says softly

I chuckled a little, answering her. "yeah..you, so who are those guys?" I asked again, leaning my back on my locker and crossing my hands ti my chest.

"Umm...let's say they are the most popular group here in school..even the seniors respect them..and I don't know why" she says

"by the way..names Marshall..Lee"

"oh..umm..F-flamma....Flamma Flameish..y.you can call me fP or anything you w.want" she stuttered "I'm from the student council..so, just ask...me if you need anything" she added, twitching her lip for a smile.

I smiled mischievously, "anything?..well can you tell me the background of those guys?" I teased


Bonnibel Bubblegum, people call her by the names 'pb, peebles, or bonnie', she's typically kind and well mannered, but her temper can be a powerful force once provoked. She's smart, a perfectionist and is at the lead on the top ten students. Her proficiency in science and fluency in Korean are a testament to her high intelligence, which is at the peak! She's perfect as they say, her intelligence and beautiful look attracted many guys. But to our saddest, her parents died due to a car accident when she was still young. And her aunt is the one living with her after these past years. After the incident, she never thought about doing any reckless things that could ruin her, but even did her best at class. She only did one thing though, she dyed her hair pink which she maintained until now. Her aunt found it attractive and fitted her pinkish skin, so she let her be.

Marceline Abadeer, they gave her the title 'vampire queen' because of her so called charms and personality. She didn't really like the attention, but she got no choice but to accept the title. She is very independent, and has a mischievous personality and is rarely intimidated. Marceline is a very talented musician and songwriter, and is proficient at singing and playing her basses. Her relationship with her father was damaged when her mother died, but that misunderstanding was fixed during her sixth grade. She wanted to have a normal life at school, and even dumped a guy in front of many people...but instead of fuming, they adored her even more..which she said was a big mistake she ever did.. But all of that wasn't the cause of her popularity.

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