Chapter 11

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I'm taking a morning walk, craving for a good steamy cup of coffee at one of the cafés at the area. Sneezing as the cold air blow against my face. I tucked my hands inside my pockets and continue to walk for minutes until I reached the store. Grabbing the cold knob, I hear the bell chime as I pushed pass the door and walked in. Suddenly the bittersweet aroma of brewd tea and coffee that overtakes my nose relaxes me. Taking my time to scan the room as I neared the counter.

There are only a few customers at this time of the morning. I ordered a cup of coffee that's written on the menu and sat on an empty umbrella table outside as I wait for it to be served. I gazed at the street. Noticing that the street lights are still on. Maintenance already at work and trimming off the long lush grasses. Some already on their way to work and some are jogging.

A few minutes later, the waitress came strutting towards me, the coffee at her hand. She looked like at her twenties, has a short hazel hair and was eyeing me, but stopped midway when she noticed that I saw her, a little crimson red forming on her cheeks. She handed down my coffee hastily and I smiled at her mumbling a thanks which made her dash away. Smelling my coffee, I sipped a few. It was definitely worth the wait, the coffee was bitter at first but slowly turning into a mild creamy taste as it lasts longer in your mouth.

For the past few weeks, I have grown accustomed not only with the school but also with a lot of people here. After that incident with Marceline, we became closer than ever, she was completely treating me like one of her buddies. I never thought that I could win her over with that trashy attitude of hers at times. Now I could usually come and go inside her house, we'd watch movies and play games sometime during weekends and the gang would also come over.

I smiled at the thought. But at the same time wondered what fionna and gumwad could possibly be doing there without me. Do they still wake up early to grab a coffee or even visit the parks. Well.... My morning strolls ain't the same since moving here. The serenity being alone is quite good once in a while, but sometimes it's killing me, having no one to talk to and walking alone on the road getting stares somewhat intimidates me. The feeling that I've never felt until now. I was always in control back there, I could do what Hella I want.

I snap out of my thoughts when I saw Marceline walking inside the coffee shop. She was in her black sports bra and thighs that showed her bare midriff, looking like she just went for a jog. I can see her inside through the glass window, she was casually talking to the staffs as she ordered her coffee. After a few chit-chats and bantering, they served her coffee and she waved goodbye walking out of the store. I caught her eyes as soon as she stepped outside. A smile broadening on her face.

"Hey Marsh!" she greeted, walking towards my table. I raised my left hand as an answer.  "mind if I sit down?". She asked placing her cup on the table and dragging the chair, ready to sit down.

"sure, sure" I gestured her to sit down. "you went for a jog?" I asked her the obvious. Small droplets of sweat still lingers on her pale skin. I sipped my coffee, my eyes never leaving hers. She wiped her sweat with the tissues on the table, nodding at me

"yup....I usually jog during weekends. You?" she questioned me, laying back and positioning herself on the chair comfortably.

"nothing, really.... Just wanted to walk around and sip some coffee for a change" I groggily reply. Yawning at the same time, a tear slightly escaping my eyes. I hear her chuckle at the sight. as I peer at her, she slowly stood up, leaning towards the table and reached for my hair.

"look at yourself, you look like you just got out of bed" she said a little amused as she messes with my hair. I can feel my face turn hot at her actions, a little tense. She was too close, I can smell her sweet scent. I tried to compose myself, swatting her hands away from me playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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