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─── chapter six.

EMMELINE AWOKE THE NEXT DAY WITH A POUNDING HEADACHE, unaware of how she got to her bed in the first place

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EMMELINE AWOKE THE NEXT DAY WITH A POUNDING HEADACHE, unaware of how she got to her bed in the first place.

her head was cloudy with all the events of last night, which still hadn't dawned on her. emmeline's mother — isla alma walker — had not died from sickness, as she'd been told for ages. no, her mother had been mutilated and mangled, bitten and left inhuman.

all because of voldemort and his supporters.

the ravenclaw's hands scrunched her sheets as they formed into fists. the cause of her father's grief and madness hadn't been just the death of her mother, it had been the whole process of it.

the scratching and howling noises all made sense now. why emmeline heard pained screams mingling with her mother's lullaby. it was her father and mother, bearing the pain but never saying a word.

emmeline sighed. light tapping filled her dorm, where she was the only one awake.

she turned, her eyes meeting her owl, neptune's own yellowish eyes. emmeline opened the window quickly.

"what are you doing here, tunes? you should be in the owlery." emmeline muttered as her owl lifted his leg, to which a piece of paper was tied on.

the ravenclaw untied the paper halfheartedly, sending her owl off with a kiss on his feathery head. the letter said the following:

dear 'melo,

i know it's sudden, but i'd like for you to be the first to know. buckbeak has a hearing against the disposal of dangerous creatures, run by lucius malfoy. i don't think we'll be able to win, so i'd like for buckbeak to spend time with the things and people he enjoys being around. he seems to have taken a liking to you, so if it isn't too much trouble, i'd like to ask you to come down to my hut and visit him.

sincerely, hagrid.

emmeline gasped and forgot about her anger, immediately changing out of her pajamas and rushing down to hagrid's hut.

she knocked on the door, her knuckles hitting the heavy wood with thuds.

"hagrid? it's me, emmeline!" she called.

hagrid opened the door quickly, allowing emmeline to shuffle in. in he is beetle black eyes were fresh tears, and in his hand a crumpled letter.

emmeline made a beeline straight for buckbeak, who was laying in a corner. he perked up as he saw her face, allowing her to pet his beak without even bowing.

"yeh didn't have ter come, 'melo. beaky and i — we're grateful for yer help." hagrid sniffed, pulling up a chair for emmeline to sit in.

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