Snow Ball ❄️

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A/N: thank you for reading this story!

It was the night of the snow ball and you we're ready to do the attempt of makeup you were planning

It was the night of the snow ball and you we're ready to do the attempt of makeup you were planning

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That's look I was going for (you can choose you're own look)

As you we're getting ready you hear you're WalkieTalkie go off "y/n do you copy?" Dustin says as you're putting you're last clip. You quickly run and grab the WalkieTalkie "I'm here copy!" I say as I'm putting my matching shoes on.

"Me and Steve are here copy!" Dustin reply's "I'll be there in a sec copy!" You say as you put down the antenna to you're WalkieTalkie to turn it off.

"Bye nana" I say as Give her a quick kiss on the cheek "dont get hurt!" Nana says as she waves goodbye.

I get out to Dustin looking at me threw the window and Steve behind him also looking at me. "Hey" I say as I get in "hey y/n you look gorgeous" Steve says as he starts the car again.

"I couldn't agree more" Dustin says as he fixes his tie a bit. The whole drive was just about us talking about how me and Dustin are scared because we didn't even know what was going to happen.

We finally arrived and me a Dustin got out and waved Steve goodbye "have fun kiddos" Steve says as he smiles.

Me and Dustin start walking in and we met up with Mr.Clarke so we can get in. Steve watched us walking in so nothing bad could happen and he is worried that the both of us may not have the best night.

We finally make it in and Dustin and I stared at the crowd that danced and played along with the music. Then we finally found the boys.

"Hey guys" Dustin says while the rest of the boys look at me up and down. "Uhhh dustin who is this?" Lucas says as I looked at him "it's-" "y/n" max says as she cuts him off and gets up "it's y/n if you guys couldn't tell maybe I just know her to well" max says as she smiles at me.

"You look great y/n" max says "I couldn't say the same" I replied. "Woah y/n you look beautiful" Mike says as the others agrees.

"Soo max w-w-wanna uh you know like? You know?" Lucas says as he stutters "sure cmon" max says as she winks at me.

Max wants me to at least get to dance with Mike since I like him but I don't know if I would want to because it would be awkward but if I do dance with him I'll try not to make it awkward.

Dustin leaves to go ask a girl and was sadly rejected I wanted to go help him but Nancy was cool for cheering him up.:)

Will goes off with an other girl and left me and Mike clueless standing together looking at the crowd. "Soooo wanna dance?" I say as I put my hands together.

"I mean I don't know how to dance" Mike says as he puts his hand behind his head "well I don't either" I say as I put my hand out.

He gladly takes it and we go and try our best to fit in as I put my hands on his neck and he pulls my waist in I look to my right to see max smile at me then kiss Lucas. While Will was having a good time and Nancy was dancing with Henderson.

As me and Mike got closer he spotted someone. El he immediately let go of me telling me he would dance with me later but El is here so he went with her instead he promised he would come back but I was sitting on the bleachers and it felt like hours.

I was looking at the crowd until I spotted Mike kissing El my heart immediately dropped. I don't know why I felt this way for a boy when he doesn't love me back. Why do I feel jealous when I don't even want to feel this way. I put my hands over my face for a bit.

I heard some voices near me as I look up I see max,Lucas, Will and Dustin coming towards me. "Hey y/n I saw how they kissed and I'm so sorry" Max says as the boys agree "I think you're perfect for him" Lucas says as he pouts "well my friend is dating him I wouldn't want her to think I'm trying to steal" you say as you look up to the four.

"I bet you some day Mike would see you're feelings and he would accept it" Will says as he puts his arm around me. I smile as we all get down from the bleachers.

We all head up to Nance to get some punch. "Hey nance you look beautiful by the way" I say as I give her a cup. " I say the same beautiful" she says as I smile "hey do you four want some pictures?" Nancy says as she points at Johnathan as he's taking pictures of other kids.

"OMG YES CMON GUYSS" I say as I pull them all we're Johnathan was. "Heyyy Johnathan" I say as we four get ready to take our pictures "hey kids you all look great" We all thank him "hold on I'll get Mike and El" I say as I step out "you sure y/n?" Max says with a worried look on her face "yes it will only be fair" I say as I go to get them

"Hey guys sorry to interrupt" I say as I wave hi. Suddenly I feel force and it was El she was hugging me tightly as like she hasn't seen me in forever "Hii el you look stunning" I say as she breaks the hug "you are pretty" she says as she smiles "thank you El" I say as I smile "so guys we're taking pictures over there if you want to join" I say as the both look at me "sure" Mike says as he grabs both of me and el's hand to get back there.

We all pose and take pictures and having a good time. Until the ball was over. We all get out and start laughing about some things that happened that seemed funny Steve arrived shortly after a bit and everyone got in we wanted to go to Mike's house for an other sleepover since it would be fun since El is back with us

Hopper knew and so did Joyce because we drove by them Steve called nana and told her and she happily agreed it should be fine.

We all get down the basement and have more fun and we take turns changing because we all stopped by our houses to get a change of clothes the girls went together and the boy's went together.

We all fell asleep and the boys slept on the couch as me El and max slept somewhere else comfy enough for us all.

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