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"You expect me to forgive you? After you killed my lover" y/n said staring at the backyard of the mansion. Due of what happened earlier she discuss what happened to johan and to the doctors.

Currently the operation is on going while y/n is there with her beloved older brother. "No, but its not my fault!" Y/n can feel hatred filling her just because of this piece of shit.

"Why you can't just accept that its all your fault? After everything i've done to you. I dressed you and give everything you want, every single damn thing. Yet you still fuck everything out!

I won't care if you took those pests lives, after they've done to my beloved. Yet you decided to drag also not my beloved but also everyone who's i care for! I tried everything you see?

I tried to believe your shitty words but that doesn't add up. There for you decide to blame everyone else than accept that its your fault" she said and light her cigarette and stare at her beat up brother.

"You know that my beloved is the only thing i have" she said and stare at the bracelet in her palm. As memories start coming back.

When she's a kid in the church a certain weak kid caught her attention. He have a pink hair that stands out, his beauty is bewitching that's why she was also bewitched by his beauty.

She remember how his touch feels like, his warm and gentle touch. Such a bewitching face, and warm and innocent heart made her drown, drown by everything he have.

"Y/n! Let's leave this place together!" A pink haired boy said and hold her hand. She'll exchange everything for this boy, she's head over hills for this kid.

That's why he easily made her agree to leave that place, since she's the only one who can fight to life and death. She work hard, everything she earn is for the only and only person that she devote everything to.

"Y/n! Look at him! Aren't he's so cutee?! I saw him in our front door!" A male said holding a child in his arms. Y/n cannot take her eyes off him, he is so enchanting.

"Let's take him as our child!" Of course that isn't new. But the thought of child with this male, she won't reject having one. "Yes, let's take him in leo"

They both pamper the infant with full of love, not until. Her brother came to her begging for help, "Go on hon, all we need is to help everyone" y/n didn't hesitate to help her brother.

If she didn't trust him, her fiancee will be still alive.

A panicking y/n raise from her seat after hearing that car that leo is in was bombed. Leaving no other survivor in the car. This made her world crush.

"No! No! No!" Screaming y/n said as she crush everything. She lost her sanity and become insane, she stay in that state until her grandparents came in.

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