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"Amazing right?" A cold and familiar voice reach his ears, he slowly turn around and see a woman sitting in a chair.

"Y-/n!" He shout and rush to reach her, but she vanished like a vain. "Do you think you can outsmart me in that identity you have?" Y/n stand behind and kick him.

The male roll over as the woman bend and grab his tie. "What should i call you now? Ji-woon Hak or Leo Maxillian?" Jiwoon or say her former fiancee stare at her with shock expression.

Y/n can see him flinch, hearing his own name. "Do you think you can outsmart me?" The woman chuckle darkly, "You fooled me so well. So damn well back then" she grin and kick his stomach.

"Do you think those accident thing will fool me that great? Do i foolish to you?" She said and grab his neck and raise him up, choking him in process. Leo stare at the mesmerising face of his former fiancee.

"Y-y/n" he choke out, as she toss him to the floor. "Did you think i won't know that my grandfather sent you the day you enter my life? How amusing and funny in same time" leo is in state of shock.

"Y/n! Forgive me! I was framed and forced!" He say and hold her knees, y/n hum before she sit down. "Yeah right, framed and force to kill my own mens. Framed and force that's why you are leeching yourself to me in the first place.

You know i was bewitched by your beauty back then, that i throw away the suspicions i have. Do i need to explain everything to you?" Leo clench his fists.

For years, the plan is going smoothly. He can finally gain the power she hold as heir and yet, he was foolish. He thought he outsmart her by taking a new identity and face.

Y/n punch his head, and elbowed his back. Leo can't stand a chance to her, he know that from the start. What drive him in there is madness, the hatred he hold to the heiress.

He pull a gun and about to shoot her, but y/n kneel his hand hard enough to make him let go the grip on the pistol. As y/n take the gun and point it to him instead.

"The plan is going smoothly leo, i don't want you to interfere anymore. Since your family is no longer alive" he can feel his body struck hearing this.

He glare at her only for her to smile sickly and knock him out. "Come out bring this boy" a blond male came out as she hum and pat his back.

"I like this!" A woman can be see screaming in the large screen that's play her own death. "PERFECT! PERFECT! IT'S FANTASTIC!" She keep praising the ability she and him have to pull it out so damn good.

"You did well eli" she said and glance behind her and see the male blushing mess.

Eli can remember what happened when she called him that she needs him to do something.

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