Just Breathe

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Everyone on the ship is still having trouble with the illusion that Wanda planted in their head earlier except for Astryd who was unconscious at the corner with Enrique beside her, trying to fix the arm gauntlet.

"Kid, just quit it," Tony taps Enrique's shoulder, taking his attention on fixing the arm gauntlet that is impossible to repair. "Here," Tony then handed the arm gauntlet that he made for Astryd. "I doubt that this is just a temporary glove for her. What I saw earlier made me insist to study her capabilities." He said to Enrique as Enrique took the arm gauntlet from Tony's hand.

"I will talk to her about that. It would be a great help for her. I know I can't extend my research to her. The results are drastically inclining since I erased the results in your lab. I need a hand." Enrique explained and softly takes Astryd's hands. Delicately, he puts on the arm gauntlet to Astryd's arm.

"It will reduce the frequency of vibrations that her body discharges for a while. We will upgrade it together." Tony reassured the young one as Enrique nodded in response.

"She thought, she managed it already but unfortunately as we have seen," Enrique glances at Astryd. "She will despise herself about it. She'll be hating herself, again." He added.

"The news is loving you guys," Maria chimed in the video call, informing the team of what happened earlier. "Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest and the exposure of Astryd's abilities but it's in the air." She added.

"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asked.

"Already on the scene," Maria replied. "How's Astryd? How's the team?" Maria inserted worriedly.  "Is she okay?"

"She's still unconscious, Maria," Enrique told. "But she's okay."

Maria let out a deep sigh.

"Everyone is... We took a hit. We'll shake it off." Tony replied to Maria.

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here," Maria suggested.

"So, run and hide?" Tony curiously asked.

"Until we can find Ultron," Maria responded. "I don't have a lot else to offer."

"Neither do we." Tony sighed and turn off the video call.

"Hey, you wanna switch out?" Tony asked Clint on the pilot seat.

Clint looked back to where Astryd is. "No, I'm good," Clint told Tony. "If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time because we're still a few hours out."

"Few hours from where?" Tony queried.

"A safe house," Clint muttered, noticing Astryd is waking up. He motioned for Tony to talk to Astryd.

Astryd has woken, looking perplexed. "Enrique," she hastily engulfed Enrique in a hug. "Enrique, there's something very wrong with me." She cracked on Enrique's shoulder. Tony just stopped in his tracks, leaving the two to talk for a moment.

Enrique saw Tony as he gestured not to intervene first. Tony instantly understands it and backs up.

As Enrique rubs Astryd back soothingly. "No, you're just different now and there is nothing wrong with you, Astryd." He said comforting a distressed Astryd.

The team in the jet felt a slight discomfort inside the Quinjet. They eyed Clint but Clint instantly shakes his head. "It's not me." He defended and their gazes falls to Tony who pointed Astryd in distress. Tony eyed Enrique to calm Astryd down.

"Astryd," Enrique said. "Just calm down. I'm here. You're making the jet shake." Enrique informed Astryd as she broke their hug and looked at everyone in the jet.  She then landed her eyes on Enrique who was still focused on her. Her eyes started to water again.

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