Civil war: You are still my Brother.

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Days passed Astryd was detained in the HQ. Even though Tony hates her for what she has done to him, he still secures her retributions to the authority by giving Astryd a house arrest. Not leaving the perimeter of the building for the passing 5 days. Astryd still has plans to get out of the place. She needs to find ways to be reunited with Cap and Bucky.

Natasha visited Astryd regularly, offering her support and companionship during her confinement. However, due to a conflict of interest in her work, Sharon was temporarily restricted from seeing Astryd. Despite this, Astryd understood the necessity and harbored no ill feelings towards her.

One day, Astryd received a surprise visit from Lauren, who shared the joyous news of her pregnancy with Pietro. The two embraced tightly, their happiness palpable. Pietro, having retired from the enhanced world, had made a solemn vow to abstain from any further involvement. He urged Lauren to disclose the truth to Wanda, believing that she would understand and accept their desire for a normal life. Lauren implored Astryd to help deliver this message to Wanda, and Astryd, filled with empathy and understanding, agreed wholeheartedly. She expressed her genuine happiness for Lauren and Pietro, cherishing the prospect of their expanding family.

Within the confines of the facility, Astryd diligently trained to control her tremors and harness her blast abilities using the gauntlet that Tony had gifted her. She spent days honing her skills, grappling with her emotions and the unpredictability of her teleportation powers. Tony caught wind of her struggles and provided her with a device designed to mitigate her powers and prevent their accidental activation until she felt ready to release them.

* In the corridor*
Astryd walks into the hallways and heads to the gym for her morning stride when she spotted Rhodey, making his way inside the gym too.

Astryd beams a warm smile at Rhodey. "Sup, Rhodey brody...." Astryd joked, tapping Rhodey's back gently.

"Still struggling, Astryd." Rhodey chuckled, looking at Astryd then sat at the bench near them. Astryd sat as well.

"I'm sorry, Rhodey." Astryd shrugged, playing with her fingers. "I know my apologies are not enough. Tony hates me greatly of ----"

Rhodey took Astryd's fidgety hands. He looked at her with a sorry stares. "I don't blame anyone for what happened to me, Astryd. I know that every time I wear those metals, my life is at stake and I take it all." Rhodey reassured.

"It's just... I... My brother hates me for keeping the truth and siding with the one who killed her mom." Astryd said, edging to cry.

Rhodey places his hand on Astryd's back. "He is grieving. He's going to be okay shortly." Rhodey reassured. 

Astryd rose to her feet, patting Rhodey's back gently as she prepared to depart. "I have places to go, my friend," she said with a nonchalant shrug.

Rhodey looked at her with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Where are you going? And how do you plan on getting there?" he asked, his questions pouring out one after the other.

A mischievous smirk formed on Astryd's lips, leaving Rhodey with the impression that she had something daring in mind. They were all aware that Astryd was under house arrest, confined to the headquarters. Any attempt to leave would be detected, thanks to the tracking device they had placed on her.

"I can't stay cooped up here, Rhodey. My friends need me, and people like us aren't meant to be contained in one place," Astryd replied, looking down at him.

"Astryd, you know it's not wise to do something reckless. Secretary Ross won't hesitate to come down hard on you," Rhodey cautioned.

Astryd cut him off, dismissing Ross with a wave of her hand. "That old man? Well, he can kiss our asses," she scoffed, a laugh escaping her lips.

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