Saving some Parts.

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*Wanda's POV*

The morning sun cast its gentle rays across the serene landscape, painting the lake with shimmering shades of gold and orange. I sat on the wooden dock, my feet skimming the water's surface, lost in my thoughts as the cool breeze whispered through the trees.

"Why did she leave like that? Why couldn't she explain everything to me?" I pondered.

As if summoned by my troubled thoughts, the soft sound of footsteps on the wooden boards reached my ears. I turned to see Dr. Helen Cho approaching, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

"Wanda," Helen said softly, "I know this must be incredibly difficult for you."

I nodded, my eyes still fixed on the lake's surface. "I just don't understand, Helen. Astryd left without a proper explanation. It's tearing me apart."

Helen took a seat beside me, and I felt a mixture of curiosity and frustration. "The truth? What are you talking about?"

Helen took a deep breath before speaking. "It's about your powers and Astryd's powers. When the two of you are together, your energies clash in a way that's... well, volatile. It's not just the conflicting energies of your magic; it's something deeper, something intrinsic to your beings."

I furrowed my brow. "I don't understand. We've always managed to control our powers when we're together. We've been through so much, and we've always come out stronger."

Helen nodded. "That's true. But as your powers have grown, so has the potential for something catastrophic to happen. We've run simulations, studied the data, and consulted with experts from around the world. The consensus is clear: when you and Astryd are together, there's a significant risk of a power surge that could cause unimaginable destruction."

My eyes widened in shock. "But we've been careful. We've never let anything like that happen."

Helen placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I know you've tried, Wanda. But the risk is still there. And with every passing day, the potential consequences become more severe. Astryd... she left because she knew that staying together might mean risking everything."

My anger flared, and I stood up abruptly, turning away from Helen. "So, she left because she was scared? Because she couldn't face the consequences?"

Helen remained calm, her voice gentle yet firm. "No, Wanda. She left because she loves you. She left to protect you, to protect everyone. Astryd's decision was one of the most selfless acts of love I've ever witnessed."

My fists clenched at my sides, torn between my anger and the overwhelming sense of guilt that now consumed me. I turned to face Helen, my voice trembling with frustration. "But she could have talked to me, explained all of this. We could have found a way to deal with it together."

Helen locked eyes with me, her expression brimming with understanding. "She attempted to, Wanda. She yearned to explain everything to you. However, she witnessed the scene on the porch between you and Vision, and it shook her to her core. She feared your reaction, the distress it might inflict upon you. Astryd made one of the most unbearable choices she has ever faced because she believed it was the sole means to shield you." 

I stood there, torn between the conflicting emotions welling up within me. Helen's words weighed heavily on my mind, battling with the anger that still festered over Astryd's departure. Part of me wanted to run after Astryd, to find her and make amends, to hold her and never let go. But another part, the part that was wounded by the sight of her leaving, whispered doubts and frustrations. 

"She could have talked to me," I muttered, my voice tinged with resentment. "We've faced so much together, and she didn't trust me enough to handle this?" 

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