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"You're staying in her class?" Rosé hisses when they're doing their homework in the library. It's the second week of classes and the drop deadline is approaching fast. "Are you crazy?"

Maybe Lisa is crazy. Sticking to this class only because the professor is hot. Only an idiot would do that. But she can't help it. She's gone. Friday's class had only cemented that fact. She couldn't stop looking at the professor, failing yet again to take notes. She could barely recall what they had been learning about but she could remember Irene's outfit down to a T.

A blue chiffon shirt was unbuttoned down to the third button. Pressed slacks that were gray. Power heels, a nice watch, some silver bracelets on her wrist, and that tempting red lipstick that Lisa wanted to kiss off her face.

And she craved her professor's attention. But she wasn't brave enough to raise her hand and answer the questions because she knew that she had no idea what was going on in class. So she suffered in limbo.

"Maybe. But the class is interesting," Lisa shrugged in answer to Rosé.

"If it is, tell me what you've learned there that you can't learn in another psych 101 class," Rosé demands and Lisa blanks on coming up with something. Rosé glowers. "Oh my god, don't tell me you're only staying with her because she's hot."

This causes Lisa to flush. "No, I'm not-"

But Seulgi is snorting with laughter, Bambam is shaking his head, and Rosé looks disappointed like Lisa's mother.

"You've fallen for her. It's alright. You're not the first or last to do so," Bambam assures, patting Lisa on the back of her hand. He's a junior who's also taken Bae's class. Twice. "I too suffered from the exact same thing, but now I'm cured."

"Ah, Lisa, you're a baby gay," Seulgi laughs and Lisa flushes and sinks down lower into her seat. She's not a baby gay. She's not even gay! She just admires both sexes, the girls just a little more than the boys. And as her mother likes to point out, Lisa will eventually stop with her stupid celebrity crushes and find someone real to love. Because it's another point against her ordinary life that her parents found each other and true love at the age of sixteen while she hasn't even kissed someone yet.

"I'm not!" she protests. "I just happen to like the class!"

It's futile. They all know she's lying.

"Look, there's no hurt in thinking Bae is banging hot. But take it from me, it's better to think so from far away than close up. She's like a tiger. Pretty to look at but get inside it's cage and it'll eat you up. Drop her class, spare yourself the pain, and just go on with life," Bambam advised.

Lisa nodded her head. It made total sense, it really did. But how could she deal with it when her mind and heart were both screaming to stay in the class?

"How about this," Seulgi said, clapping a hand onto Lisa's shoulder. "Let's go to a bar this weekend. Find you some chick or dude and you fuck it all out of your system. You're probably just horny and once you get laid watch you drop the class."

Lisa winced at this. She'd never slept with someone. And she wasn't sure she wanted to do it with some random stranger. "I'm good, I don't want to-"

"Nonsense. Go and do it. Have some fun," Bambam added.

"For once I agree with Seulgi's bad habits," Rosé said, jotting something down in her notes. She was almost all done with her work while they had yet to start. "Get loose, forget the professor, and have fun."

Lisa was getting a bit annoyed now. Everyone kept saying how bad Professor Bae was, but Lisa had yet to see it. She was stern and true, but she had been kind and caring to Lisa. "She's not that bad. She asked me if I was comfortable in her class on our first day. She even took me out to coffee," she spoke up, with a tinge of irritation.

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