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Lisa woke up with a dry mouth and a hammering in her head, a soft weight on top of her. She is confused by her surroundings, unsure as to what is going on. Why the hell is she on a white couch? Whose house is this?

She sits up as alarm fills her and looks around wildly, smelling the scent of frying bacon coming from the kitchen. She recalls it being evening and not morning, which it is, judging by the light coming through the blinds.

What had happened? Slowly some events trickle in. She pushes the white blanket off of her and carefully goes into the kitchen, hoping her professor could explain. She found the woman there, back to her and working the stove, legs entirely bare.

Lisa momentarily forgets her confusion as she just stares, her throat going tight. Irene turns around to get something and sees Lisa, breaking Lisa from her mindless ogling. "There you are. How do you feel?" she asked, something soft on her face.

"Um, confused?" Lisa says, bringing her eyes up.

"You drank alcohol last night Lisa."

Lisa's eyes bulge. "I did?"

"I was so worried when you suddenly collapsed on me. I was about to call the paramedics. But then I saw that half my pitcher of homemade sangria was missing and I connected the dots. Have you never drank before?"

Lisa shook her head. She wasn't a drinker, no matter how Seulgi tried to sneak alcohol into her food and water. "I didn't know." Lisa feels a flush of mortification fill her. Her first time at a professor's house and she gets drunk in front of them.

How embarrassing.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Irene winks slowly and Lisa feels her thudding heart skip a beat. It should be illegal to look that good when winking. Irene turns to a coffee pot where some lukewarm coffee sits. "I kept you here. Thought you wouldn't appreciate campus security knowing an underage student got drunk. Plus, word would get back to your parents."

"Thank you," Lisa stammered. "I'm really embarrassed."

"Don't be. We all make mistakes. Some worse than others." Lisa must have imagined the slight edge to Irene's tone there. The professor turned around, two mugs of coffee in her hand. They smelled great but Lisa's attention was diverted to the low cut of the white robe. She could see down into Irene's chest as the woman leaned over, and Lisa didn't think her professor was wearing anything underneath.

She felt hot and jerked her gaze up from the tops of the breasts before she could get caught. Irene had been looking directly at her, but had she noticed? Lisa took the mug gratefully and took a sip of it. It tasted vaguely vanilla-ish. She didn't take the professor for liking those sorts of soft tastes.

For lack of options, Lisa merely watched Irene cooking. "I hope you don't mind. I took the liberty of making you some breakfast. How do eggs and bacon sound?"

"Amazing," Lisa breathes out as she watches Irene bend over to get something from a lower cabinet and the robe slips further up her thighs. Lisa's not really talking about the food anymore. She absently goes to take a sip of her drink, but with her eyes trained on her professor's ass, she ends up misjudging and it spills down her front. The coffee isn't hot enough to scald but it's made a right mess and Lisa shakes her hand off where some has spilled, uncertain as to what to do because she's got it pooling in the folds of her shirt. "Damn it," she swears under her breath but her professor hears her because she comes over with a towel.

"Stay still," she instructs and begins to dab at Lisa's shirt which has now been ruined. This gives Lisa yet another glance down Irene's neckline and Lisa can feel her clit throbbing this time as her arousal kicks in. She jerks her head up to avoid this, to avoid arousing herself further, and tries to keep her breath even as Irene dabs the towel all the way up to her chest. She's sure the professor doesn't mean for it to be inappropriate but it sure as hell feels this way with Lisa's hormones pumped all the way to a ten.

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