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Lisa had officially joined Bambam's club, called the Irene Bae Obsession Club or IBOC. And no joke, it was an actual club. Not an official one as it would draw questions towards them and get them to shut down, but there were about fifteen students in it. Three of the girls, one of which was Lisa.

"I didn't know this was an actual thing," Lisa said as she looked on at the group, all happily chatting among themselves and helping themselves to some food laid out on the table.

"Yeah, there's also a Fuck Irene Bae club." At this Lisa's cheeks colored and she turned to stare at him open-mouthedly.

"Not that kind of fuck. Like, as in hate. They're our club rivals and you can bet they have more of them than we have of us. But on a serious note, this club helped me through my tough times. And they're all great friends and people to know." He leaned against the wall, eyeing them with respect and familiarity.

Lisa gazed around them. "So what do you guys do in this club?"

"Talk about professor Bae, obviously. But not like stalking. Just like talking about how hot and awesome she is. And on spreading understanding for her."

"Uh huh," Lisa nodded her head, not quite sure how to wrap her brain around this. And also not quite sure how happy she was with what they were doing. "Riveting."

He let out a laugh. "You don't need to be sarcastic. We don't do much, I know. But it's nice to just be here, to know you're not alone."

"What if she finds out about this club? Wouldn't she be creeped out?"

"Nah. She won't know. We hold this to our chest like a secret. And we combat the evil jerks in the other club. Did you know they wanted to key her car last week? Honestly, haven't they got better things to do?"

Lisa gasped at this. Key a professor's car? "Don't they know how much trouble they can get in for that?"

He shrugged. "Well, we stopped them so it all turned out okay." They stood in silence before he couldn't hold himself back anymore. "So," he started with an excited grin. "How's working for Professor Bae?"

Lisa let out a groan and let the back of her head hit the wall. "I should have known there was an ulterior motive to you inviting me here."

He spread his hands out. "Hey, it's in the name of the club, so you can't get mad."

"Honestly, it's...I don't know exactly how to describe it. It's so nerve-wracking to be there with her and yet at the same time, I love it."

Lisa faded into a memory. For the past week or so she had been spending most of her evenings in Irene's office. This meant while the professor sat at her desk, typing up some emails or finishing up some work, Lisa was bent on the floor, organizing hundreds of monotonous boring papers. Flipping through them made her eyes dry and she got a paper cut once or twice each time. But she wanted to do well to impress the professor and so she tried her best to put everything in order.

When her work would be finished, she would show it to Irene, waiting with bated breath for her approval. The woman would merely slide her dark eyes over it and then order Lisa to move on to the next.

Not quite the praise Lisa wanted but oh well. Just being around the professor like this was more than other students could say, especially those in the club.

Once or twice Irene had asked Lisa to get coffee for her and given her a crisp twenty, telling her to keep the change. On those occasions when the bill was being passed from one hand to the other, their fingers almost brushed and Lisa had to do everything in her will to not squeal out loud.

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