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Irene's hand was warm and comforting on Lisa's back as the professor steadied Lisa on their walk towards the dorm. Lisa felt a bit soberer now, the cool air cutting into her skin. She had left her jacket and things inside the club. Hopefully, Seulgi would be thoughtful enough to realize and take them back for Lisa.

Lisa felt so ashamed right now. But also so tired. She just wanted to go to bed, curl up in a tiny ball, and cry until all her problems went away. She was definitely going to get into trouble that much was certain.

They entered the dorm, Lisa fumbling a little bit with her key card in the dimmed hallways. Irene put her hand on the back of Lisa's and helped her swipe the card in. Lisa tried not to flush at the soft touch and stumbled into her darkened room. And now she felt self-conscious because her room was kinda messy. Bed unmade and textbooks in a haphazard pile on her bed.

She didn't even know what to say to this anymore.

"Lisa," Irene started, voice stern and low with reproach "We are going to have a discussion on this when you get back to campus. You certainly are not old enough to be drinking and going out to such establishments."

"I swear I just had a little," she mumbles, hanging her head. God, this is so awkward. Why is she always making a dumb ass of herself? Especially in front of Professor Bae.

"And I thought we established you can't handle drinking anything at all. I also want to speak to Seulgi about this."

A cold chill went down Lisa's back and her head snapped up in horror, taking in Irene's unreadable features. "No, please. Don't get her into trouble. She didn't force me to drink." The last thing she wanted was for Seulgi to go to the dean.

"It doesn't matter what the situation was. The fact of the matter is that both of you are minors and there is a no drinking policy on campus."

"Is there- let me take the blame," Lisa said, in her panic striding closer to Irene, almost too close. Her professor had to shift back to give them space. "I'll...I'll shoulder the blame for the situation. I just don't want my friend to get in trouble. Send me to the dean if you must, but just don't let Seulgi get in trouble. It's my own dumb fault and-"

"Lisa, calm down," Irene sternly cuts off Lisa's ranting. There's an interesting look on her face. One almost of deep contemplation. Voice tinged in a bit of awe, she asks "you would...you would do that for your friend? Get in trouble for her?"

"Yes," Lisa nods ardently, meaning it. It was her fault for being dumb, so if anyone had to get in trouble, it was her.

"Why?" Irene questions, why is the professor so interested in this all of a sudden? Isn't it what friends do for one another?

"Because," Lisa shrugs, not knowing how to explain this. "I made a mess, so I should clean it up."

Irene says something low and under her breath as she shakes her head. Lisa is only able to make some out, something that sounds, "...different from her mother..." But before Lisa can ask about it, Irene is turning to leave. "Drink some water, and go to bed. And Monday, I expect you in my office for a talk."

Lisa swallowed dryly. She had no idea if this meant she was still in heaps of trouble but she took her professor's advice and went to bed.


"I always knew you were a dumbass Manoban, I just didn't know how much of one until now," Seulgi says the next morning when Lisa wakes up with a headache. She's told Seulgi everything, the girl had come back at six in the morning with all of Lisa's stuff and with no signs of a hangover at all despite partying this late.

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