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"Hi there, you must be Lisa?" a tall, attractive man held out his hand for Lisa to shake.

Lisa paused, unsure if she should take it or not. The uncertain look on her face tipped the dude off and he lowered his hand. "I'm Jung Jae-won, you can call me One. Irene told me about your situation?"

"Ah, right!" Lisa remembered in a sudden flash. She sure as hell wasn't expecting him to pop out of anywhere during the middle of her school day. She had a class to go to.

"Is this a bad time?" he asked. He looked like a nice dude, with a plaid shirt tucked into his jeans, belt on top and a winter Northface unzipped. And he didn't look too much older than her. Was he really the guy Irene had picked for her? He wasn't anything close to Lisa's type. Too boyish and clean-cut.

"Kinda. I have class soon."

"Right. I'll give you my number and we can schedule something, alright?" He handed it to her and she typed it into her phone, parting ways with him. When she got to class she sat in the back and discreetly texted Irene about this.

Lisa: Just saw One. Is he cool?

Irene: Don't worry. I had him checked out and everything. He'll be respectful.

Lisa let out a relieved sigh. She was glad Irene knew what she meant and had taken precautions against it.

Irene: I want you to set up something with him and then introduce him to your friends. The sooner the better. And you'll keep him around a couple of times until we won't need him anymore.

Lisa: K.

Naturally, that would be easier said than done, because Lisa had a feeling that her friends might be suspicious of her sudden interest in this guy when she had pinned for Mina for so long, and for Irene even longer. But if she wanted her relationship with Irene to stay a secret, than she had to do this. She could tell Irene wasn't happy with sharing her, or having Lisa make out with some guy they had found off the web, but there weren't many other options.

So when Lisa hinted to her friends she wanted to go to dinner with them so they could meet someone special she was dating, she couldn't help but see their surprised faces when he came by, dropping a kiss on her cheek as he sat next to her.

"Uh, it's not Mina?" Jackson asked, feasting on the free chips as they wanted for the main course to come.

"No, why would it be?" Lisa frowned.

Rosé shot her a pointed glare and so did Bambam but they knew better than to say anything in front of One. Seulgi wasn't as subtle. "Because you said you had a massive crush on her and were trying to get with her."

Lisa felt her cheeks flare up and cast a wary glance at One who didn't seem off-put. He was helping himself to the free chips like Jackson.

"Well, obviously it didn't work out," she squirmed in her seat as she lied. "Along the way me and One sort of worked something out and now we're dating. Officially." She grabbed his hand and twined her fingers with him and placed it on top of the table with a thunk so her friends would get the message.

"Riiiiight," Seulgi said, narrowing her eyes and not convinced at all. "And how did you two meet?"

Luckily, they had thought to cover this before. "Actually, with me helping Lisa with Mina. We both sorts of had crushes on her and were trying to see who could crack her first but funnily enough, we ended up finding out that we're both good together and decided to date to see how it would go. And so far, I can't complain. She's so adorable," he laughed and leaned in to kiss her cheek again.

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