20. Wire Tap Recon

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"Antoine. It's nothing." He tapped him in reassurance. "They'll never know.

"Why do you have something like this anyway?"

Antoine slowed his pace as Tommy talked. "After my dad died in Iraq, I noticed how many bums were hanging around my mom. I guess I got a little protective. I set it up so I could keep track of who was hitting on her next. A lot of them were real duds just looking for some action. By listening in I figured them out. I'd mess with them until they gave up."

"Like how?"

"Everything Antoine." Tommy laughed at his own memories. "Fart bags, flat tires. Racing naked to the door when they arrived. Jumping up and down in front of them while I pissed myself."

Antoine laughed, "Whatever it took, eh?"

"Right." Tommy had himself in memory mode now. "Once I overheard where they were going. I rode my bike there, raced into the restaurant in my underwear and toothpaste foaming out of my mouth. I screamed at my mother, "Look what he did to me. Look. I'm just a kid. Pedophile. Stinking pedophile!"

Antoine bent over with laughter, "You're crazy Tommy. What did they do?"

"Buddy got up and raced out of the restaurant while my mother just sat there staring at me like I was from another planet."

"What happened?"

My mom never was very good at discipline or, that had been my dad's job." He smiled, "She's just too nice, always was. Men could get my mom to believe anything. Any hard luck story. I guess that's why I acted like I did. Somebody had to protect her from them."

Antoine stopped chuckling. He felt a certain sadness for Tommy and his mom, alone with no dad. Even though his dad was tough, he knew he could count on him when he needed to.

They arrived at the modest back split on Lillian Street in the Middleton Hills district. A few streets were all it took to separate a well-to-do area from a working class area. Not that Antoine's family was poor. No, just struggling. Tommy and his mom had the poor class all locked up.

"Hi Mom." Antoine boomed. He dropped his school bag and motioned for Tommy to follow him. He pointed at the phone as they headed through the hallway and into the living room. His mother sat by the window, reading.

"How was your day?"

"Good, Mom." He walked across the room and gave her his usual big hug and kiss.

"How about you?"

"The usual. Mr. Irwin's hardware store never makes him enough money. I think he would like me out on the street ordering customers in for him." A little worry came across her face. "You know the phone rang twice last night. Once very late and when your dad answered he didn't say anything."

"Probably a wrong number, Mom." He didn't mention the thugs at the job site. Instead he motioned to Tommy. "Mom this is my friend, Tommy."

"Nice to meet you, Tommy." She got up, "Let me get you two something to eat. You must be hungry."

"Mom?" Antoine had the mischievous look on his face. "Does this guy look


"Antoine, that's not nice."

He pushed her gently back onto the couch. "Mom, I have to talk to you about something important." He looked over at Tommy, "Didn't you say you had to call your mom and tell her where you are?"

"Uh, oh yeah. I better do that." Tommy got the message and headed for the hall.

"What is it you want to talk to me about, Antoine?"

"Uh, my marks." He grabbed the first thing he knew she'd want to know about. Antoine sat down beside his mom. He took her hands in his. "I've decided to work harder at school. Tommy's going to help me. He's a very smart guy. You know how you've always been telling me my friends are a reflection of myself?" His mom nodded. "Well, I think I finally understand what you've been saying to me. I have two real friends now, Tommy and Ethan. Ethan's our new quarterback. You'll meet him soon."

He paused, "I'm turning over a new leaf, Mom. I'm not hanging out with that old crowd any more. No more trouble for this guy," He smiled and pointed at himself with his thumb. "I'm going to make you real proud," Antoine leaned in and hugged her again.

"Antoine, I've always been proud of you." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh yeah, Dad will be late for dinner." He was out of ideas. Not more than a minute or two had passed. Tommy rounded the corner. "Done?"

"Yep, all done."

"Why's your dad going to be late?"

Antoine caught the suspicion in her voice. "Oh, he's trying to get the job caught up." He kissed her again as he pulled himself up from the couch, "Don't worry Mom. It's all good."

It didn't seem to help. The look stayed on her face even as she forced a little smile and a nod. Tommy noticed the stress in her face. Tommy had become very good at reading people's faces. Mrs. Jackson's face showed worry.

She held her hand out for Antoine to help her from the couch as she spoke, "Let me get dinner on the table for you and Tommy."

"No. Thank you, Mrs. Jackson. My mom's expecting me home." He looked over at Antoine. "I should get moving, Antoine. I've got some things to set up at home." He saw Antoine's look, and added, "My mom said you could come for dinner if you wanted. Then we could go over the math you asked me about." Tommy looked over at Antoine's mom, "If it's okay with you, Mrs. Jackson?"

The 'math' part put it over the edge for Antoine's mom. "Since your father isn't coming home that makes dinner real simple for me."

"Thanks, Mom."

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