56. Almost a Clean Getaway

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Looks like syrup and whipped cream. Must have been some kind of party. Tanya noticed the mess first as she stood outside the registration area grabbing a little bit of last minute sunshine before the tournament started. 

Her eyes worked their way up to see what kind of characters would actually walk around looking like they'd been dipped in liquid garbage. Goons, classic Las Vegas goons, except for the young one in the middle. That's when she recognized Ethan, Tommy's friend from the check in yesterday. Something is wrong.

She watched them push Ethan into the back of a large black sedan. She saw the one hood slip his gun back into his waistband as he climbed into the front seat. Something is seriously wrong. She made a mental note of the license and headed for the elevator.

"Bam, Bam, Bam."

Tommy and Antoine sat up and looked at each other. "It's those goons from last night," said Tommy. Antoine reached for a lamp to use as a weapon.

"Thomas! Thomas! Open up. It's an emergency!"

"It's Tanya," said Tommy as he quickly opened the door and saw the look on her face.

What? What is it?" Tommy asked.

"I saw your friend, Ethan?"

"Yeah, Ethan. He went down to grab us some breakfast. What did he tell you?" Asked Tommy.

"Nothing. I mean, he looked like he was passed out drunk or something. Two foreign looking guys, one of them blonde, no, orangey hair, hauled him into a car. I got the license number."

"Shit, shit! Those goons from last night." Tommy started pacing the room. "I should have woke you guys up when I got back."

"What're you talkin' bout Tommy?" asked Antoine.

Last night Tanya and I saw two sleazy looking goons watching us. One of them looked a lot like the guy from the back alley. I thought they might be looking for Bianca."

Antoine grabbed his cell phone and dialed Bubba.

"What's going on Tommy?" What happened last night?" said Tanya.

"We rescued a girl from an alleyway last night. Ethan found her. She's in the next room with Kaitlin."

"Rescued a girl? What?"

Tommy and Antoine looked at each other. "The Girls!" They rushed out the door with Tanya following them.

Antoine reached the door first, "Kait, Kait, it's me, Antoine, everything OK?"

Kaitlin opened the door. "Where's breakfast and what are you two so worked up about?" Kaitlin noticed Tanya behind the boys. "What's she doing here?" Ethan should be here any min-"

"No, no he won't. Something's happened to him," Antoine said.

Kaitlin put her hand to her mouth, "Oh my God, what?"

"We think Berto got him."

Bianca gasped at the mention of Berto's name. Antoine turned and stared at the stunning young Colombian as she exited the bathroom in a white bathrobe.

Tommy hadn't gotten two steps inside the room before he too stopped and stared, "It's a girl," said Kaitlin with irritation. "You two are definitely proof evolution can go in reverse."

"Who's' Berto?" said Antoine.

"He's the guy who attacked the cab last night. He's the guy who kidnapped Bianca."

"Kidnapped?" said Tommy.

"Yes. It's a long story and I don't have time to explain right now," said Kaitlin. She finally noticed Tanya. They locked eyes and both decided the situation warranted a truce.

Tommy sat down on the edge of the bed. Disbelief written all over his face as Antoine paced the room, phone in hand.

"Who are you calling?" Kaitlin asked as she stood with her arm around Bianca.

"Problema." Bianca said. "Hice un gran problema para usted."

"What'd she say?" Antoine's irritation spilled over. "Doesn't she speak American?"

"I speak little." Bianca answered, "Much trouble for you. I sorry."

"Lighten up, Antoine," said Tommy with authority. Antoine looked ready to attack Tommy as he put the phone back to his ear. "All problems have a solution. We just don't panic." Tommy winked at Bianca. She managed a weak smile as he added, "It's going to be okay. We're going to figure this out."

"Bubba?" said Antoine. "We've got a problem. Ethan has been kidnapped." Antoine said nothing for few seconds, before, "Yes, the girl we picked up in the alley. She's here." Another pause, and then, "Okay."

"Well?" Kaitlin pressured him, "What did Bubba say?"

"He'll be here in fifteen minutes. We're supposed to wait."

"Well, you two can't wait. You've got a tournament that starts in exactly fifteen minutes," said Tanya.

"Tanya." Antoine had his back up, "I don't give a damn about the tournament right now. My man is out there somewhere. Who knows what's happening to him."

"Everybody calm down," said Tommy. All eyes turned to him. "We stick to the plan, Antoine. You and I will go downstairs with Tanya and wrap this thing up in no more than an hour." He looked at Kaitlin and Bianca, "You two wait here for Bubba. You can bring him up to speed when he gets here."

Nobody said anything for a few seconds. Then they all nodded in unison. Tommy motioned towards Antoine. The two of them were at the door when Antoine turned back. "Don't open this door for anyone but us or Bubba. Understand?"

Kaitlin nodded. The three of them disappeared out the door as abruptly as they'd arrived. Tanya and Antoine held the elevator while Tommy ran to the room. He picked up his black book of software codes. Two minutes later they were in the lobby. Tanya headed for the registration desk while the boys talked game strategy.

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